Food Entries

Hi I am relatively new to this forum and had a quick question. I make most of my food from scratch. How would I record a homemade salad with iceburg lettuce, carrots, tomatoes and chicken?


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Weigh the components individually and find a correct entry for each one (I usually add USDA to the search terms for fruit and vegies, and a raw entry for meat - I weigh it prior to cooking)

    If it's a big batch of food, use the recipe builder and add all your ingredients. Weigh the final product - if you're going to eat it all yourself, portion it out evenly in to a predetermined number of portions, or enter the weight (in grams) as the number of serves. When you eat some, weigh your portion and log this number of serves.
  • craftytaxi
    craftytaxi Posts: 4 Member
    Create your own recipe for it.
  • Yoyoghurt
    Yoyoghurt Posts: 52 Member
    I often use the recipe builder. Call it My Salad. Then because I change the ingredients of a recipe item a bit each time I make it, I edit the recipe which changes the cal/kj per serving for that item a bit. If you leave out the chicken one time, leave the chicken in the recipe and change quantity to 0 grams. Don't delete an item from the recipe keep it there for next time.
    It is a quick process to edit an existing recipe rather than build each time. Also what you are eating today and in the future is what matters, not how you made that recipe last week.