Before Bedtime Snacks

I need some help/tips. I 22 years old and work the 3-11pm shift at a nursing home. I have been watching my calorie intake for about 2 weeks now. My major problem is when i work. At the end of my shift i usually punch in everything i have eaten for the day and i usually have about 300 calories left. When i get off work at 11pm i am usually starving because i have pretty much worked off my dinner. What are some ways to keep my from getting so hungry at night and/or what are some good bedtime snacks?


  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Before bed i eat 1tbls of peanut butter or Almond butter (unsalted). highly recommend.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    with a big old glass of skim milk...yummy
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I've started having a cup of keifer (a fermented yogurt drink). It's tasty, has protein, calcium, good for the digestive system and is light enough to have before bed without feeling overfull, but still filling. Comes in lots of flavors and really tasty!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I always have coffee before bed (my wind down ritual) but I also have an evening snack...usually a banana w/ some PB has been my usual night time snack lately but I'm a creature of habit...
  • birdylove88
    I have the same problem! I always want to snack before bed its so bad! haha! What really helps is eating a dinner not too early, because you will be hunger before bed. Eating high protein foods for dinner like chicken or turkey always keep you full longer. Drink a bottle of water after you eat! An amazing trick my mother taught me is to hard boil a dozen eggs, then cut in half and only eat egg white portion. This is a great snack! I put mustard inside to fill in the yolk =) also if you have one before bed it helps your metabolism keep going while you sleep and that help cut out unnecessary hunger..
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I vote for apple with pb and a cup of coffee...but I am an overnight girl and like a breakfast type food at breakfast time. Fills me up, not too heavy, and if I don't eat I dream of eating entire pizzas! I hear other nurses swear by a glass of milk, a yogurt, or a piece of string cheese melted on wheat toast. Fruit shakes with protein powder would probably be a good choice too!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I forgot to mention instant oatmeal...quick to make at the nurses station with the hot water dispenser and fills you up. I like the fruity ones.
  • jellybeanjig
    I would find out first if you have your activity level right... then I would just say that a snack including a little fat, some protein and a little carbs.... and remember not to eat too close to sleeping, that isn't good either! small amt of peanut butter works for me or crackers 2-4 and cheese about 1oz. and you might just try a warm cup of broth or tea if you like that, to feel full and not stress your digestion or put in calories that you won't use!!
  • Nodaa
    Nodaa Posts: 40
    I drink skim milk or three dates. Also, i like to eat Alpen bars with fresh juices.

    Try to be away from sweets at night, so you do not feel hungry, and overeaten.