Anyone 150 trying to go to 120?



  • abod7690
    abod7690 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on the same journey as well! I am 5'5'' fluctuate between 148-152. I am a muscular build, but I am trying to slim down to 125-127! I am a generally healthy eater, but the wine and craft beer are definitely my culprits for impeding my progress! I am a regular exerciser with mix between hot yoga, Pure Barre, and running. Any tips or tricks let me know! I'm hoping to reach my goal by summer time (or at least ALMOST to my goal) Lets do it!
  • jennydelgado09
    jennydelgado09 Posts: 119 Member
    4'11 and 151-154lbs. Trying to lose 20 and get to 130-135lbs. Don't know if it's ever going to happen though.
  • Yvonne_129
    Yvonne_129 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi! I stopped logging and ate whatever I wanted and stopped excericising. I have gained 12 pounds in the last 4 months. I have struggled with weight my whole life. I have been at my heaviest 253 to my lowest 109. Right now I feel really uncomfortable as my clothes are fitting tighter and I am out of shape again. I weigh 141 and am 5 foot 3. Goal is 127. I am going to get fit this time and stay fit! I have 4 kids and a second grandaughter on the way. Bless us all and may we all stay on the healthy path we long for☺
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Hey! I'm 154lbs looking to re-lose 26lbs to get to my goal weight of 128lbs! We can do this together!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I was 154lbs when I started (back in 2012), been at goal range of 126-128lbs for 4+ years - I'm 5ft 2 1/4" :smile:

    My advice is: log every morsel, use a food scale and move as much as possible. The aim is to make small changes that you will keep on doing for the rest of your life, that's the only way to keep weight gain off for good.

    I wasn't at all fit when I started trying to lose weight but I knew I had to do something different than all the years of yoyo dieting so exercise became a big part of my life.

    All the best to those still trying to lose, stick with it, have patience and you all will get there - if I can, anyone can :smile:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I am 5 foot 5. In deficit until I lose 31lbs. I am 171lbs at the mo. In the past at 140lbs, which is my general goal (might shift upwards if my lean mass is still great) I am in UK size 8 - 10 which is plenty trim for me.

    In four weeks' time I am on a diet break though (raising calories to maintenance and increasing carbs then eating in controlled surplus) and will be doing a hypertrophy (muscle gain) programme until the end of January. So my "weight" goal will be reached late next year. I do not plan any crazy calorie cuts. Am losing 1lb per week now on an average of 2000 calories.
  • Tintin13
    Tintin13 Posts: 86 Member
    130 would be awesome for me. Workouts are fun and I can stay consistent. Eating carbs and sweets is my weakness. You can do it
  • sgtx81
    sgtx81 Posts: 466 Member
    best of luck!
  • RachsLosses
    RachsLosses Posts: 103 Member
    I started my journey at around 150lb (5'5) and wanted to get down to 145 (doesnt seem a lot but that is the lowest I've been as an adult) Im now at 140lb and taking my weight loss 5lb at a time :smile: Feel free to add me
  • fitsarahxoxoxo
    fitsarahxoxoxo Posts: 14 Member
    Oooh loving this thread! I’m 5’5” and 142 but shooting for 129 by the new year. Something about seeing the 120s on the scale just sounds so exciting lol.

    More importantly, though, I’m running my first ever Spartan Race this coming summer too so I’m motivated to 1) get as light as I️ reasonably can and 2) get really strong so I️ can haul my newly light self up ropes and over walls and stuff. Add me if you want! I️ started 11/6 and need awesome friends.
  • jessicaschenkel82
    jessicaschenkel82 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'1, started at 160, currently at 152, and my goal is also 120! Add me so we can motivate each other! :)
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 5'5" starting at 172 3 weeks ago, currently 167 and trying to get to 130. I went from 180 to 126 before (profile pic) .. and gained most back obviously.. feel free to add me
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm 5'2 and started at ~153, with a goal weight of 125, back in Feb of 2013. I lost that weight in just about a year's time, with this sort of approach. I lost the first 18 lbs with a rate of loss of 1 lb/week between Feb and August, eating back exercise cals earned from walking, and with a net calorie goal of ~1400. In August of that year I got a FitBit and realized I was a lot more active than I had believed, plus I had less than 20 lbs to lose, so I raised my calories to 1600 net and continued to eat back exercise adjustments and losing at about 0.5 lb/week. I slacked off (mostly intentionally) during Nov-Dec of that time period, because of the holidays, I just wanted to maintain what I had already lost. I refocused in Jan/Feb of that year and ended up hitting and surpassing my original goal weight, landing at about 123 lbs in March of the year following when I started. I was eating around 1900 or so cals/day at that point. I decided I was good with my weight, so I raised my goal a little bit, but kept focusing on increasing my day to day activity level - more purposeful exercise (long walks and circuit training) and then increased random activity as well (short walks, pacing while doing laundry, parking in back of the parking lot). I ended up increasing my TDEE to about 2200 as a result of my efforts, and so I kept losing very slowly throughout the 6-8 months or so.

    I finally landed at 118 for maintenance with a +/- 2 lb range and I have been maintaining that weight for about 2.5 years now.

    My advice to OP and others is that with 30 lbs or so to lose, a goal of 1 lb/week at first but then 0.5 lb/week is appropriate - it makes the transition to maintenance really simple when you haven't cut calories so low that you've had to dramatically change your eating style. Similarly, focusing on increasing your NEAT through just daily activity has a tremendous amount of benefit in your ability to lose weight eating higher calories.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited November 2017
    5' 5"
    Started at 138lbs
    Currently at 126
    Goal weight: 117-120

    Feel free to add me!!
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    edited November 2017
    Yes I’m 5’6 currently at 150lbs. I’m going to get down to 120-125. Feel free to add me.
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    I'm new here... started using a fitbit and logging my meals here about a week ago. I started at 173, have dropped a pound, but hope to lose 32 more. I'm on a medication that messes with my metabolism, so I have to work extra hard. I started running 6 weeks ago, do strength training two days a week, and Zumba two days a week. I'm eating most of the calories I gain from exercise. I hope I can continue to do that- we'll see how the weight loss goes. Planning to run my first 5k on Mother's Day.
  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    I'm 5'3" currently 157 and my goal is 125-130. Started at 230. Feel free to add me! Always looking for more friends :)