
Hi there,

I'm new to the site, but not new to dieting and fitness regimes - my weight has always yo-yo'd before.

Anyway, I have finally resolved to get my weight down and my health up for a good number of reasons. Amongst them is that I'll be getting married next year, my dad has got a number of weight related problems that he warns me could be hereditary, my serious illness cover premiums have had to be put up because of my current BMI and most importantly that I'm just unhappy with how I look now and want to lose the weight, get healthier and do more active things.

I hope to use both dieting using myfitnesspal and also as much exercise as I can manage.

I also hope I can find some friends on here that are looking to acheive the same goals.

Thanks and good luck all.


  • AlBryant1982
    All great reasons to use MFP. Good luck.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Robscofle
    Welcome to MFP

    I've got 42lbs to lose. Since joining MFP 3 weeks ago, I've lost 10lbs. I usually give up after the first week when trying to lose weight but the MFP community keeps me going. It's a great community full of people all trying to achieve similar imporvements to health and well-being. Friend request me if you would like support.
  • Sloron
    Sloron Posts: 18
    Good Luck! Feel free to add..I am newer to the site to and looking for men that are going through the same thing as me. Hoping to lose the extra weight onceand for all after years of up and down weight.
  • Staffyman
    Staffyman Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the kind welcome folks. :smile: