It makes no sense!

OK so if anyone can help.......I was doing really well and at the begining of last month got off 5 pounds (I had put some on since starting on here) but I have completely stalled since then with no change in 3 weeks.

I'm hitting my calorie target most days and getting in plenty of walking plus weights and yoga work outs at home. Nothing was moving so I've cut out the diary having no milk in my coffees etc not been drinking alcohol and so on. No change. I fell down this weekend, quite severely due to attending a wedding (so BBQ, cake, wine) and was dreading weighing in this morning, and I'm a pound down! I was starving yesterday and am really hungry again today I don't understand what is happening.

Do I need to up my calories? I almost always eat back the exercise calories and I've been trying so hard but the last week or so I have lost motivation. I have had the same with weight watchers and slimming world where I dropped 4-6 pounds in the first week then changed nothing I was doing but it just totally stopped. I've had blood sugar problems in the past and years (and five stone) ago I was prescribed slimming pills to get me moving but I don't want to do that again if I can avoid it. I really don't want to stay this big it's making me miserable but it's so hard to stay on track when saintly behaviour is giving me no results. Help!


  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hi flower, give me your stats...weight, daily cals, the amount of exercise you do including the number of times a week and what your goal weight is, and weekly goal loss is? If you don't feel comfy sharing it on here then put it into a message and I'll give you some feedback!

    Don't fret pet...we'll help you sort this out!

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I can't see your food diary, so I don't know what types of food you're eating. What works for me is eating pretty whole (staying away from over processed foods and sticking to raw or steamed veggies, fruits, lean protiens, and whole grains), it helps to keep the sodium down. I deviate from this every once in a while, but I try to stick as close to it as possible. Also, I'm honest with myself "did I really not over flow that 1/4 cup . . . really?" I give my body rest days to recover, and I try new stuff all the time to keep it guessing. Again, this is what has worked for me. I'm not sure what's wrong with dairy, maybe I'm missing something there.
  • poppet86
    poppet86 Posts: 2 Member
    I discovered something last night....I found out what my resting heart rate was and from that a chart told me what heart rate I should have for weigth lose and then 'aerobic base building' which increases your stamina. My ideal weight lose heart rate was reached when i walk fast, but most of my excersies now involves zumba or running machine where I go striaght into endurance and stamina not really any weight lose! if you have an iphone get a free app called heart fitness and you can then tailor excersise that achieves the correct heart rate and hopefully get those scales moving in the right dircetion again! good luck : )
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    Possible suggestions- one play around with your calories a little bit- either you are burning more or less than you think.... Your body might require slightly more to start burning weight- or it will just keep storing away.... Two- make sure your workouts are varied- I through in a lot of cross training (biking, swimming, running) and really vary my routes, so my muscles don't know what they're going to get.... Three- if you've just started and you're doing a lot more activity, you could be gaining muscle.... How are your clothes fitting?
  • Ellastrong
    Ellastrong Posts: 64 Member
    I experienced the same thing, the number on the scale wasn't moving after many weeks of working out, eating clean and eating back my exercise calories. Someone suggested 'zigzagging' my calories, and I find that it's helped! Search out some of the posts on this site for zigzagging, you'll find lots of info. about it if you're interested. Good luck!
  • pagpie
    pagpie Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost 63 pounds since November 19, 2010. Slow and steady as my personal trainer tells me. One thing I have learned is do not eat (replace) the calories you burn from exercise. Heavy (strength) workout, eat more carbs before, and protein within 45 minutes of workout. Always start the day with breakfast, healthy snacksin between meals, never get to the point of starving. Remember you need to replenish the muscles, once you have torn them down with strentgh training. Better to lose 1 pound a week than 5 pounds and shut down and shock your system. That would be very discouraging and you will lose motivation.
    Trust me I have tried every gimic in the book and outside the box, recording food, counting calories and fats is really the most productive for long term.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    I'm currently 13 stone and a teeny tiny bit of a pound! 5'6", 31. During the week I eat a non fat yoghurt and some fruit for breakfast, usually a salad with ham or quorn for lunch. Snacks almost always apples or low fat rich tea biscuits, once in a while I treat myself to a kit kat.
    Dinners depend on how much else I have done that day but I try to go for high protien and low/no carbs. I have impaired glucose tolerance so I never touch white bread or white pasta as it makes me feel very unwell. I also avoid white rice unless it;s Sushi which I eat very rarely.

    I drink plenty of water and am upping my green tea. Exercise I make a point of getting out for 30-40 minute walk (work lunch break) at least 3 times during the week. I do sort of my own circuits at least once a week for 40 minutes so weights, lunges, stepper machine etc and do an hour yogalates work out twice a week.

    I've heard about hitting a calorie burn rather than a stamina so do my best to make my walks brisk so I'm feeling the effort and getting sweaty but not unable to speak.

    And no, my clothes are certainly not fitting me any better!

    Thanks for all the replies guys :-)
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    If you are giving yourself a calorie deficit then EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES, at least most of them ( In response to someone saying not too). Giving your body to much of a calorie deficit. Is going to slow/stop the weight loss. Make sure you are getting in good cardio. To find the "fat burning zone" take 220 minus your age ( that is your max heart rate) you want to be at 50-60% of that while working out. Also, what you are eating can make all the difference.
  • hollagolla
    i always eat my calories as I am eating less than I should every day anyway and I know that when I dont eat enough my weight goes down slower! But thats me, I didn't lose anything after a while when I was being strict and my mother suggested upping my calories for a couple of days and that helped. I also find a break from exercise every so often helps as well which surpised me, its a complicated afair this weight loss lark!
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks everyone, time to get back on the waggon and keep trying I guess, but I think I will stop counting my daily walks between home and work as I do it every day and I'm not sure I should be trying to eat those calories back.