Lost 25 pounds

imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
edited October 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm not even sure whether to believe it. The scale claims I lost 25 lbs since this March. With the binging episodes I've had, it's hard to believe, but I've weighed myself over days and replaced my batteries and even gotten a new scale to check. If it's true, I'm happy, but it's difficult to believe.
EDIT: actually it's been weeks, not days.


  • imanibelle
    imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
    I don't feel smaller, though. I don't see where I look smaller, either.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Well, it sounds like you lost 25 lbs. - congratulations! Nice job! The loss may not be visible to you if you still have a lot to lose. Are you tracking your calories? Losing weight means you ate fewer calories than you burned, so in spite of the binges you've been in a deficit. I would say that now is the time to take a look at why you're binging and make a plan to help you avoid those episodes. Are you restricting too many foods you enjoy? Are you eating too far under your calorie needs most days? Do you have emotional eating episodes? Pin it down and address the problem. Best of luck :)
  • imanibelle
    imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thanks. I still struggle to believe it. For the past couple of months I've been trying to work through my binging, realizing for the first time that my mindset where food is concerned is unhealthy. I haven't been perfect, but I think I'm slowly improving. I do track my calories, though not on MFP. I used to, but now I just use it to look up food entries. Logging is difficult on my phone and I can't use my work PC for personal stuff, so I just weigh my food and list the calories.
    Honestly, I'm not even sure why I binge except that eating nonstop gives me q weird rush. But I notice I only really do it when I have an abundance of junk food and takeout available, so I'm limiting its availability. Seems to have helped.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    imanibelle wrote: »
    Thanks. I still struggle to believe it. For the past couple of months I've been trying to work through my binging, realizing for the first time that my mindset where food is concerned is unhealthy. I haven't been perfect, but I think I'm slowly improving.

    That's great! Don't worry about perfection - none of us is perfect and we mostly get along just fine :) Improving bit by bit is the best way to acquire better habits that will help you get to your goal and maintain there.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    You are doing fine- just keep going- consistency is the key- as said earlier NONE of us are perfect- but every day we TRY
  • bobtater1
    bobtater1 Posts: 172 Member
    imanibelle wrote: »
    I'm not even sure whether to believe it. The scale claims I lost 25 lbs since this March. With the binging episodes I've had, it's hard to believe, but I've weighed myself over days and replaced my batteries and even gotten a new scale to check. If it's true, I'm happy, but it's difficult to believe.
    EDIT: actually it's been weeks, not days.

    You can believe it. I've lost 37 pounds since march and I had a few excess calorie episodes. Don't worry try to stay with the plan and focus on logging those calories.
  • Christen850
    Christen850 Posts: 19 Member
    Weight loss is noticeable to everyone except the person losing it! There of been times in the past when people would start pointing out that they could tell I looked a little slimmer, but what I saw in the mirror looked exactly the same. People won't always pointed out, either, because obviously they may not want to seem rude or comment on something personal. Anyway, just know that you are succeeding!
  • imanibelle
    imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks, everyone. ❤ :)