Weightloss help

Hello, so ive been trying to lose weight for the past 5 years or so with no success, id lose weight snd gain it back constantly but in total ive gained 30 pounds and i feel like absloute *kitten*. I cant seem to control the way i eat. Id eat in moderation for a week and as soon as thr weekend hits id go crazy no matter what i tell myself. And i really dont starve or restrict durinf the week i just try to eat less. Ive been doing OMAD for a month and that was the problem with it. Ive tried many diets in the past and nothing works LONG TERM. It just makes me obsess over food and eat more and feel guilty. And im so absloutelt sick of this its affected my mentality and social life drastically. Today i decided to stop trying to lose weight, and just eat whatever i want in hopes of restoring my relationship with food, just whenever and whatever i want and put my focus on something other than trying to lose weight and just let go. Anyone think i should do that or try to lose weight in a different way? Any advice would help. Im really stuck and frustrated!


  • MsChewMe
    MsChewMe Posts: 130 Member
    Why can’t you control your intake? What is usual intake per day in calories? Are you over restricting? And what is your goal? Height and weight now?
  • fatimasadoon2000
    fatimasadoon2000 Posts: 11 Member
    Im 5'6 And im about 153 pounds my goal is to be around 125. And idk i would be on track for a couple of days and then just compeletely fall off the wagon for 3-4 days. I think its because of my obsession with food. And i dont count calories so idk how much exactly im eating
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You might want to check out intuative eating. There's a book with that name. Works to fix your relationship with food and get out of the diet mentality. Sounds like what you might be describing.
  • fatimasadoon2000
    fatimasadoon2000 Posts: 11 Member
    Alright, thankyou:)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    This is a classic "first world problem", the mixed blessing of abundance. I think 95% of us have to consciously restrict our food intake if we want to lose and maintain weight. Some kind of structure is good for us - traditional societies have that built in - the No S Diet just "mimics" it. Our modern societies' values are indulgence and freedom of choice - we want everything, and we expect to get it now, without any effort; modesty and patience is almost frowned upon. The problem is that we can't spend without limits, everybody can't have everything at once - so these ideals create envy and impatience, and this is very likely one of the roots of our obsession with food. Just the suggestion of anything that sounds remotely like restriction, could be enough to make you want to rebel, I get that. But I think it's "going on diets" that's really what makes you "go crazy". Don't go on a diet. You need to accept that there are limits, but also to feel that you're in charge of the areas you can control.

    Your weight goal is low, maybe too low to be realistic for you - you will need to eat way less than you are in order to maintain 125 pounds.
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    Im very similar to u, im 5'2 and weigh 153lbs, ive been "dieting" for years but mainly after my 3rd child nearly 5yrs ago, i seem to lose a pound or two and then gain it back! Now i hav a calorie intake of 1450 a day and try to exercise 5-6 times a week, the pounds r coming off slowly but its a start for me (again)
    try setting urself a calorie intake for the day and exercise few times a week, try not to buy sweets/sugary foods this is what i do cus otherwise id forever be scoffing my face with junk and then feeling guilty, u can still eat whatever u want just make sure u stick within ur calorie intake for the day.
    Be positive u can do it, u gotta be patient and dont give up :)
    Ur welcome to add me il support u, good luck :)
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    Maybe do a diet plan & prepare what ur gona eat & count calories, if u really want it u gotta put 100% effort into it, thats what i tell myself lol.
    Maybe snack on fruit & veg or buy urself low calorie crisps or chocolate if u got a sweet tooth its not gona harm aslong as u stick to ur calorie goal for the day :)
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Maybe just have your weight loss goal at .5lb/week? A lot of weight loss and setting yourself up for success is a mind game. Try thinking of it as eating smarter and with watching your calories you still have control to add in whatever foods or treats you could possibly want. Cutting out food groups or certain foods can lead to feelings of restriction, but if you know you have the choice to eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your calories it feels less restricted to me. And, if you add on exercise you get to eat even more:)
  • fatimasadoon2000
    fatimasadoon2000 Posts: 11 Member
    Do you mean 5lbs/ month?
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Half-a-pound per week.
  • fatimasadoon2000
    fatimasadoon2000 Posts: 11 Member
    Thats very slow:(
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    It's a marathon, not a sprint. If you're eating more, you likely won't feel as hungry or deprived. Which means you'll be likelier to keep the weight off.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Hello, so ive been trying to lose weight for the past 5 years or so with no success, id lose weight snd gain it back constantly but in total ive gained 30 pounds and i feel like absloute *kitten*. I cant seem to control the way i eat. Id eat in moderation for a week and as soon as thr weekend hits id go crazy no matter what i tell myself. And i really dont starve or restrict durinf the week i just try to eat less. Ive been doing OMAD for a month and that was the problem with it. Ive tried many diets in the past and nothing works LONG TERM. It just makes me obsess over food and eat more and feel guilty. And im so absloutelt sick of this its affected my mentality and social life drastically. Today i decided to stop trying to lose weight, and just eat whatever i want in hopes of restoring my relationship with food, just whenever and whatever i want and put my focus on something other than trying to lose weight and just let go. Anyone think i should do that or try to lose weight in a different way? Any advice would help. Im really stuck and frustrated!

    Losing half-a-pound per week may seem slow, but it sure beats gaining half-a-pound per week. If you want long term weight loss, then you have to think in longer terms. And that means not expecting the weight to just drop off. In a year's time losing .5 lb a week will give you within a couple of pounds of the weight loss you said you wanted, and you'll have a better chance of restoring your relationship with food.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thats very slow:(

    You've tried doing it faster and it isn't working for you. Why not try slower?

    I'd rather lose weight slowly than not at all . . . and that seems to be your current situation.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Trying to follow a particular diet plan is probably part of your problem, I treat calories like a budget, no food is prohibited, but I will consider if I want it enough to spend the calories, and the basics come first. By basics I mean high nutrient foods so I hit fibre and protein goals
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited October 2017
    Basically you get what you put in. To lose weight you have to have a calorie deficit. You have to learn to control your cravings. It's never easy for anyone to start with but you adjust! I went one day to eating nothing but two whole bags of fun sized York patties or even more and downing Mountain Dew a 24 pack usually lasted two or three days, and eating whole bags of chips and cheez it's. you can still eat what you want you just have to limit it to fit into your calorie budget! It is well worth it! I don't get cravings for that kinda food anymore and I lost 27 pounds! I was 158 now I'm at 131 and I'm 5'4. Goal weight is also 125!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited October 2017
    And also no one can or should try to persuade you to lose weight (unless a doctor). You have to want it for yourself and your body and your health to be able to stick through it and get the results you want. If you want to let yourself go, then that's your decision we can tell you the perks and everything of dieting or calorie counting but all in all it's a personal decision that you need to decide. Not for other people to decide for you or you'll give up on yourself too quick and too easy.
  • marshageroli
    marshageroli Posts: 41 Member
    I have found that when I snack, I can't stop. I exercise in the morning, which makes me not hungry until 11, I'm not sure why, so I normally skip breakfast. Because I skip breakfast I have a big lunch, usually between 500-650 calories, with lots of veggies and proteins. Because it is such a big meal, im so full I feel sick lol. It makes me not want to eat until dinner. Then for dinner I'm hungry again and eat another big meal that fills me up for the rest of the night. Usually I'll sneak in a treat after dinner, ice cream is my weakness, but because im still full from dinner, I don't want to gorge myself on junk. It may not work for everyone, but it has made a huge difference for me, since I have done dieting where my snacks are 70% of the day and I'm ravenous, which leads to bingeing. Maybe give it a try if you haven't yet. It may help (: