Changes to face - your thoughts?



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts all - and genuinely happy to hear any thoughts; even if quite, ah, forthright.

    Definitely interesting to hear that it may adapt over time.

    My current profile picture was taken pretty recently, but all the others are over 3 years ago.

    Hoping I can get on the way to getting my long-term-injured shoulders sorted over the next few months, then get back on the weights.

    My body isn't that massive compared to some - however I definitely do have a larger than average chest - 29-30 waist now, but 42-44 chest. As mentioned, BMI is pretty near the middle of 'healthy'.

    And despite not having worked out for three years or so, at least in the picture holding my friend's kid it looks like I do have *some* muscle left :).
    I've still got a little visceral fat left to lose too; but will worry about that another time.

    Oh and yes - I have a famous lack of fashion, but that has been criticised more than once - alas it is quite practical, especially with little other solar protection up there!
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Since it doesn't matter, I would agree that you look much more robust and healthy in the first picture.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    If I might add, developing your upper trapezius muscles would change the way people perceive you with the same face as the 2nd pic.

    Your arms look strong, but the traps are flat and horizontal.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Cheers - I was actually wondering if putting on some muscle might help.

    I haven't done any weights for over 3 years - think in the second pic it's more that my arm is tensed holding the kid; however I've always naturally had over-average muscle. (Nothing amazing, just better than average.)

    It's shoulder impingement that's been causing me the worst problems that I've been trying to fix - so have particularly been avoiding using them for anything strenuous.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    ABabilonia wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, why did you decide to go from 184 to 154? I'm 5'11" and currently weight 180~. My goal is hopefully reach 170~ at some point. I just echo some of the comments around here in the sense that it will take time for some people around you and even you to get a use to your new you. If you are happy, though, that's the only thing that matters.
    Missed this...
    I wanted lower body fat - for body image generally - I'm fairy happy how I look in my profile pic here - I generally prefer trimmer/fitter women so would prefer to offer the same :). Ideally I'd go more towards the 'fitness' model sort of thing if I could - but with injuries and many other things in life, that may not be realistic.

    I actually had been somewhere between the two, did a bulk then came into a couple of injuries and stuck at the higher weight; mostly because I like food too much!

    I have been avoiding sports etc, but for a lot lower fat certainly helps - running, cycling etc you all get further for the same effort. Running also puts less stress on dodgy knees. Rock climbing it makes a massive difference - while general strength to weight ratio can be increased quickly - I always lost out on finger strength to weight ratio to others and that takes a LONG time to improve.
    (So on longer overhanging routes with big holds I'd do better despite being heavier - but ones that had teeny holds I'd have more trouble with.)

    So, while I would prefer face to be closer to the first pic, there's lots of other aspects that I do appreciate being lighter.
  • lauraslinn947
    lauraslinn947 Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2017
    You’re a healthy weight and look good in both photos. It’s entirely up to you and how you feel. To be honest, how my face looks is not enormously important to me; I care about how I feel.

    Edited to add - have just read your post above and it seems you’ve answered your own question :) You look great so be happy & enjoy the benefits of being lighter! My husband is a keen sportsman, particularly enjoying cycling and climbing - he likes to keep light too. His face might look a little ‘better’ with more flesh but he’s my soulmate not my arm candy ;)
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    You look better in the first pic. Maybe some muscle would help, but 150s sounds awfully light for a grown man your height. However, the sport aspects of wanting to be lighter makes sense.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    ABabilonia wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, why did you decide to go from 184 to 154? I'm 5'11" and currently weight 180~. My goal is hopefully reach 170~ at some point. I just echo some of the comments around here in the sense that it will take time for some people around you and even you to get a use to your new you. If you are happy, though, that's the only thing that matters.
    I always had 11 stone as a goal as a nice round number that should give me reasonable body fat.
    I could certainly go lower still on body fat and not be silly-low (at least everywhere but my face!).

    There's lots of other benefits I do/will (hopefully) appreciate.
    Not just having a nicer figure (I quite like how I look in that profile pic - not as good with t-shirt off, but way better than the average which tends to overweight of course.)
    But also, if I can sort my shoulders/knees - sports like running and cycling you can do more with the same effort. Motorcycling, not only do the tyres have less to deal with, but your body has less weight to stop being thrown about.
    Rock climbing - while I always had better general strength to weight ratio, lighter friends would better me on grip-strength to weight ratio, which takes a lot longer to improve on the strength side - compared to being say 13 stone, that should be a significant improvement.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,989 Member
    edited October 2017
    What does it matter what we strangers think?

    You chose to lose 28# from 182 to 154 and you say you are happy with your current weight. That's all that matters.

    FWIW, I lost 38# from 196 to 158 and dropped my BF to 10% over the past 16 months and am happy with that achievement.

    I lost fat from all parts of my body including my face. It happens to everyone who loses a significant amount of weight.

    I have no problem w/the way my face (and the rest of my body) looks now but, if you don't like the way your face looks after your weight loss, the only alternative is to gain the weight back.

    Doesn't sound like that's something that you want to do. So, what anyone else thinks about how your face looks now is entirely irrelevant.
  • LoveForWine
    LoveForWine Posts: 20 Member

    This^. Who cares what anyone else thinks. You know what's best for you:)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'm single. I've been really busy this year after splitting up in January; but would like to not be single again at some point; so it's interesting to see how others view me. That's certainly one part of wanting to have a trimmer figure.

    Overall for the most part I'm pretty lax at attending to my appearance - terrible fashion sense etc.
    I try and keep some friendly women around to advice me, but alas generally don't know what's "best" for me.