How are you doing?

I began my Keto journey on August 14, 2017. I am proud to say that I have not consumed any refined grains or sugar, potatoes, rice, corn, waffles, biscuits , cake, cookies, etc., since that time.

I feel so much better and I believe it's created a positive impact on my overall health...less joint pains, better sleep, definite end to bloating stomach, my body is re-shaping and my hair is getting thicker. I suspect my A1c and BP has dropped and I will request blood work to analyze for the presence of inflammatory agents.

My initial weight loss was 26 pounds; my October 19th weigh-in is coming up. Although any weight is a just snapshot in time, it will be nice to see some results for my efforts.

What's going on with you, how are you doing?


  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    That's great to hear, OP. I love when people make changes and see the benefit in them.

    I'm doing well. Started back on MFP (I'm pretty sure this is the 4th time I've met "goal") on July 31st. By Oct. 1st I was at goal after losing 13lbs. I'm working on adjusting to maintainance (mentally being able to eat more calories). Using Libra and weighing every day (all the other times I met goal I pretty much stopped weighing, and at 5'11, it's easy to gain weight and not know, it tends to all spread out...LOL).

    My Cancun vacation on Nov. 11th was my driving force to get the extra weight off. Even though I wasn't overweight, I didn't feel good and knew I could feel better. So my main goal is to be back around 1800 calories a day by Nov. 11th, enjoy my vacation, and continue logging/weighing when I get back. I'm averaging around 1400/daily now. Baby steps!
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    Change is never easy and it's easier to keep doing what we've been doing even though it's not healthy or productive. I think change is like stepping into the unknown, which makes it scary and uncomfortable. Rater than be uncomfortable we embrace what we have...hmmm. But most of the time, change is never as bad as we imagine it to be. :)
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    edited October 2017
    I don't want to say I am on keto because I do eat some carbs, but I'm definitely LCHF. I give myself 50g limit per days but most days I don't come anywhere close. I started last Friday because I had a wake-up call; I was so bloated and I hated the way I looked. I love the instant results from shedding the water weight. I feel so much better and don't feel as sluggish after meals.

    I am going to weigh-in on Saturday which will be a week from when I started. I don't anticipate having a big drop because I was already cutting calories and working out, but I know I will get to my goal a lot faster by cutting the carbs, not to mention the other benefits.
  • kmbmoutswi
    kmbmoutswi Posts: 20 Member
    Hi guys. I still feel quite on the slow path but I love when you say change is not easy ikeandmike1212.. please feel free to add me and make more recommendations wherever needed, more friends for support. Thanks y'all, love yah
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    kmbmoutswi wrote: »
    Hi guys. I still feel quite on the slow path but I love when you say change is not easy ikeandmike1212.. please feel free to add me and make more recommendations wherever needed, more friends for support. Thanks y'all, love yah

    Love the gym pic - that's what's up! Now that I'm fully Keto-adapted, in November when the gyms have sign-up specials, I'll add the recommended exercise to my efforts.

    We all can change, you just have to want to...
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    Today is starting out as another great day. Woke up feeling fantastic and still following the path I've laid out for my Keto journey.

    What's going on with you?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I'm doing fantastic. Over 1.5 years in maintenance and so far it's been very easy. Over the weekend I attended a party and there were photos posted on FB and I actually thought I looked good in them. When I was overweight I hated having my picture taken.
  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm doing fantastic. Over 1.5 years in maintenance and so far it's been very easy. Over the weekend I attended a party and there were photos posted on FB and I actually thought I looked good in them. When I was overweight I hated having my picture taken.

    You said you were in maintenance. If I may humbly ask, what were your weigh loss efforts prior to that point?

    Thanks in advance for sharing.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member