"Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!"

ypetrou Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Post your motivational tips so others can follow!

Before I started this fitness drive I had bought some new clothes online (can't pass a bargain) but I was disappointed that the sizing was all on the small side and none of them would fit me comfortably. A denim shirt that I could not button, and 3 pairs of jeans that I just simply could not get into or close. Send them all back, no way!! I kept over £500 worth of clothing in the cupboard with the determination to fit in to them in the near future. Happy to report that I now fit in all of them, I found that having those clothes hanging in my wardrobe and seeing them everyday was a great reminder of what my goals were and why I was doing this. I recommend doing this to anybody serious about getting fit, that and pinning up a photo of Chris Pratt as a reminder that if he can do it so can I!

I have just weighed myself and after 3 months of sensible dieting and exercise I have dropped over 10 kg. Yipeee! How do I feel, amazing, really amazing. Through dietary changes I now have way more energy, my run times have improved dramatically and when I lift my shirt up I have the outline of what maybe a six pack and some body definition. I have dropped nearly 7 cm around my waste and clothes fit me like never before. I look and feel amazing and I have done this by eating over 2200 calories a day, I cant stress how good that feels.

Will I ever eat a piece of cake or indulge in my favourite gelato? I hope so but I hope to train my brain to recognise a treat and not treat sugar like an addicts needle. Feeling this good is addictive and gives you hope that whilst getting older it is always possible to reverse the damage done by years of sugar abuse.



  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    My sister in law and I were going to the store when we ran out of gas. Her husband (my brother) had borrowed the car and was told to make sure he put gas in it, but he forgot and then didn't tell us.

    We grabbed the gas can and headed towards town. It was only a couple miles out.. In less than a quarter mile I was gasping for air and dragging each foot. My sil was concerned. It felt like I was going to have a heart attack. And all I could think was, I walked 4-6 miles every day in Leadville co, 2 miles above sea level, and never felt tired.. and that was with an infant and toddler! It pretty much disgusted me I had gotten to that point.

    After that I started walking again every other day. I got up to a half mile and was so fatigued and sick all the time.. I finally broke down and went to the doctor and they found I was hypothyroid. I hate doctors so it took me a few years to get to one. I didn't take my medicine for another year. I wanted to do it myself.. cure myself. But I could barely stay awake. I finally took my meds and after a months I felt better. But ran out so had to go back to the doctor. He was pretty pissed at me but eh.. I don't like doctors. Got more meds that lasted for 6 months (was suppose to go back to get retested to see if it needed changed..never did..) and for 6 months felt decent..except for this choking feeling. Ran out..symptoms returned..4 months later I learned about keto and figured ..wth..if it works it works if it don't it don't. Failure is not trying at all.

    Took a few weeks at low carb(Keto is hard) and the results were better than the medication. Fatigue gone, brain fog gone, choking feeling gone.. and other problems like swelling in my knees and arthritis in my elbows and hands..gone.

    Now to get up the courage to go back and get medication again! I hate doctors.
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    edited October 2017
    GlassAngyl wrote: »

    Now to get up the courage to go back and get medication again! I hate doctors.

    Do you feel the same way about glasses? Or would you rather total your car or hit a pedestrian when you can't see well enough to drive because you don't want to see an eye doc? You're damaging your health and happiness - if your thyroid levels are off you're probably miserable due to a variety of symptoms.

    Medication is just another compensating tool, like glasses. You know you feel better and can get healthier on meds, so do it!

    You can always switch doctors until you find one you can tolerate. Or ask around/look at online reviews first to find a doc most people like. Or bring a friend to appointments so you don't focus on whatever you hate about going to doctors. Thyroid meds can be touchy, they NEED that occasional bloodwork check to make sure they're at the right level, so don't skip those appointments!

  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    "Failure is an event, not a person." - Zig Ziglar

    Failing at some objective just gives me a reason to try again, or try a different way.

    Also, spite is a great motivator for me. Tell me I'll never be able to do a thing and I'll do it just to spite you!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    "Healthy" is subjective. Just because people "eat clean" and exercise doesn't mean they are healthy. There are so many other contributing factors:

    Family history of risk to disease
    Risk behavior (like smoking, hazardous sports, etc.)
    Mental health
    State of mind (happy, negative, etc.)

    To attribute "health" to just how something tastes is IMO, not the greatest statement (and I know the OP didn't create it) to use as motivation because it focuses on just food if health is just the goal.

    It's been proven time and time again, that CALORIES in/out matter more than what actual food someone is eating to lose/gain/maintain weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Just pitching in to say "I like your profile pic". The Colosseum is pretty close to my house in Rome. As for your post--I have to agree with ninerbuff. Eating "healthy" isn't necessary for weight loss. So many people make that mistake and get fat. CICO rules for weight loss.
  • thatfitdad
    thatfitdad Posts: 13 Member
    Idk, fatty junk food and empty carbs tastes preeeety good lol
  • cmvmorton
    cmvmorton Posts: 7 Member
    Junk food and most carbs are such a slippery slope for me. I just avoid them altogether and it's made it so much easier to lose weight over time.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Yeah ^^ I was just gonna say, have you TRIED the new cookie butter Oreos??? lol

    I have. They're pretty *kitten* good. Which is probably why I'll never have a 6-pack :tongue: