Weight Loss, but...

CraftyJenguin Posts: 28 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been working on my weight loss for a few months now, and I am happy to report that I have lost 24 pounds!

That being said, I am still the exact same size that I was 7 months ago. I was a size 18/20 when I started, and I am still a size 18. A few of my pants are a little looser, but when I go to try on new clothes, I still have to get my same old size. I will admit that there is a difference in my face shape, and some places I can get tops one size smaller. But I would think 24 pounds would make a bigger impact on my waistline.

My workout schedule is not what it should be, but I do make it to the gym at least once a week. I'm also on my feet, moving around a lot at work.

Can anyone help shed some light on why the scale number is shrinking, but my hip size is not?


  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    are you toning up? what exercises are you doing? Maybe you need to change it up a bit. if your a gym member you should be able to ask an instructor to show you some good workouts to help tone and slim x
  • First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! 24lbs weightloss is amazing. I know and I am feeling what you are going through, I really am. My weight loss is about 6lbs since I started in early July and I feel like it should be so much more with all the walking I do. I am averaging 1200 to 1500 (OK...SOMETIMES MORE) calories a day and walking at least 5 times a week and my clothing size has not changed a lick but I see and feel the difference in my mid-section and my face...I am in the same boat as you. Don't get discouraged! (I need to practice what I preach LOL). Keep doing what you are doing...evidentally you are doing something right because you dropped 24lbs. Maybe incorporate one extra day of working out...you say you are working out one day a week, right? Do you think you can add one more day in there? If so, give that a try. I am in the process of training to WALK a marathon in Nov and all I do is walk walk and walk...I average about two to four miles 4 to 5 days a week and I am seeing a difference with my weight though my pants size has not changed. Has the weightloss been fast? Heck NO. Not for all the time I spend walking...I feel I should be down a lot more then 6lbs...but I will take the 6lbs over NO POUNDS. Please keep up the good work...you are truly an inspiration!
  • Even when i was at my smallest 2yrs ago weighing 113 i still wore a size 7jean b/c my hips were2wide. not compaining about that size i miss it lol but everyone else that was at that weight wore size 3 it was confusing. I loose weight from my top half first then my bottom half slowlllyyyy comes along w/it. show off ur waist w/belt r clothes that r tighter on ur boob area then flow and u will realize how much weight u r loosing! good job keep it up!!!!!!!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I've heard you lose the weight where you last gain it to. When I first started I to was able to where the same cloths but it was a bit baggy. It will come soon beleive me.
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    hi wave!! dont ever downgrade whatever losses you have made..good for you with what you have done so far!!:happy: :happy:
    check out exercises that may target those ares where you want to lose the most (darn hips!!:frown: ) YOU CAN DO THIS!! dont get discouraged. there are many here to help, encourage and sometimes just listen. we ALL have a common goal..lets help each other!!
    feel free to add me as friend..:heart::heart:
  • 112lbs? Way to go...that's just incredible. Kudos to you girl!
  • OK...what am i doing wrong? I can't get my tickler to appear in posts like you gals do?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think it's pretty typical for folks to lose weight from the top down so it makes sense that your top size is getting smaller but your bottoms are still about the same. Wait until you lose another 10-15 pounds and I'd wager you'll be ready for the next size down.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    It took me 33lbs to get from a 20 to a size 18, 16 if they're stretchy. I know it can be a bit discouraging but just keep at it and you will go down in sizes.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Just keep with it. I don't know if clothes fit for you like they fit for me when I started in january...but my clothes were pretty tight. Even though I wore one size, I probably should have been wearing the next size up (or pretty dang close). soooo....the first weight loss I experienced got me more comfortable in the clothes I already had. After some more time and more weight loss, those clothes became baggy and I dropped a size. I have now dropped 2 more sizes and hope to drop 1-2 more sizes by the time I'm done. Just hang in there. 24 pounds lost in 3 months is an awesome start!
  • I think it's pretty typical for folks to lose weight from the top down so it makes sense that your top size is getting smaller but your bottoms are still about the same. Wait until you lose another 10-15 pounds and I'd wager you'll be ready for the next size down.

    Agree w this quote...

    Well since my heaviest at 225.. I wore a 15...a TIGHT fit 15...I'm around 183 now.. and sometimes get a 13 .. my old clothes seem to fit fine -_- I was thinking its just at my biggest I always squeeezed my way into the smallest size possible.. great job btw!
  • Just keep with it. I don't know if clothes fit for you like they fit for me when I started in january...but my clothes were pretty tight. Even though I wore one size, I probably should have been wearing the next size up (or pretty dang close). soooo....the first weight loss I experienced got me more comfortable in the clothes I already had. After some more time and more weight loss, those clothes became baggy and I dropped a size. I have now dropped 2 more sizes and hope to drop 1-2 more sizes by the time I'm done. Just hang in there. 24 pounds lost in 3 months is an awesome start!

    This is EXACTLY was I was thinking... just couldn't put it in word.s?? Lol!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    It takes a bit to lose a pants/dress size. My clothes started getting looser around the 10-15 pound mark but I never really went down a size until I hit about 20/23 pounds loss.

    Also sizes vary by store.. what is a 18 in one store, might be a 16 in another store.. so depending on what store your shopping in, your size may go down or up.

    Also if your not doing weight lifting, I highly suggest you start. That is what has made the biggest impact on my waist line I feel.
  • orleansmith
    orleansmith Posts: 60 Member
    I am sure people lose weight differently, in different areas. For me, the last time I was doing this, I had lost about 25 lbs. I was drinking a lot of water and walking (a lot); whether it was outside or on the treadmill, I tried to watch my posture and walk while keeping my core muscles tightened and walking straight. I did go down a size and noticed that my waist and hip measurements were decreasing each week. I can't say if it's because of what I was doing or if it was just how it would be no matter what workouts I had gone with .. I didn't see as much loss in my thighs or arms (boo!) or my chest (I did go down a band size, but my cup size didn't go down as quickly - went from a 42D to a 40DD - which was fine with me haha)
  • CraftyJenguin
    CraftyJenguin Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for your support guys! :happy:

    I take spin classes 1-2 times a week and a yogaerobilates (my word not theirs lol) class once a week at the gym. My strength training is all but non-existent lately. I used to do better with my weight lifting and such, but I just haven't been getting on the strength machines lately.

    The gym is actually on my way to and from work, and it's open 24 hours a day. I think I need to start packing a gym bag and taking it to work with me. Even if I just get in for a few minutes a day, it'll be better than what I have been doing. Thanks again for your encouragement!
  • jenny138
    jenny138 Posts: 46
    I had the same problem. I worried just like you did. My top went down 2 sizes before my pants went down. And I was getting so upset. I think I didn't really go down a size until I hit like 35 lbs or so. Just keep it up :-)
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Congrats on the loss so far! 24 pounds is great! Everyone loses weight differently. It just so happens that you're losing from the top first. Keep working on it. Eventually your body will be like "OK! Time to take the weight off the bottom." Just be patient. You'll get there!
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