Would love (and could use) some MFPs to add as friends and kick my butt when needed

This is my third go round on MFP but I'm more determined than ever. I'm 48 and a single mom of 4, busy with the kids and life in general. Every time in the past when I dieted I would eat the low-fat snacks or limited amounts of bad food - of course I was hungry at the end of the day and binged and eventually gave up. This time it's not happening - I pack my lunch everyday and include as many colors (no dyes) as possible in my food including pistachios, string cheese, salads, yogurt. I've lost 11lbs since 9/11 but have about 100 more to go. I'm very motivated now but could always use some cheering on or suggestions. Please post on here and I'll add you as a friend if you'd like. Thanks!


  • l1bbylabel7
    l1bbylabel7 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there! I have lost 90 lbs in the last 3 years and want to lose 10 more. I live in Hermitage TN (right outside of Nashville) and I also take my lunch to work. You can add me as a friend cause I could use some more friends! Good luck!
  • Cat0703
    Cat0703 Posts: 68 Member
    Busy mom here too and also returning recently to MFP. The only time I've successfully shed weight was by eating everyday food but in moderation so that is my plan again this time. Feel free to add me!
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    Sent you a friend request! I'm on my second go-around here - lost a bunch, gained it all back, and I'm working on it again! Love to have more friends for motivation and support. :)
  • kelsiestoner
    kelsiestoner Posts: 78 Member
    Add me! I've been on MFP for quite some time now but I'm really starting to take it seriously recently. Something needs to change!
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    Add me too! I've been on here for a few years and understand the struggles to keep things going.
  • aliciaaw
    aliciaaw Posts: 180 Member
    Add me also , I seen your blog this morning. I have been here for a couple of years and still trying to get it right.
  • DeniseWilson43
    DeniseWilson43 Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome Back I'll add ya
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I love to kick butts
  • jules159
    jules159 Posts: 567 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been here a few years. I've had to adjust the way I eat over time as I got closer to my goal weight. I have recently gained 10 back due to some things going on in my life but I'm committed to be back on track now. I'll help in any way I can :smile:
  • Southernsass38
    Southernsass38 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I lost about 40 lbs and Im slowly gaining it back, so Im gonna give it a go again...The struggle is real..lol
  • oceangoddess2017
    oceangoddess2017 Posts: 8 Member
    Just joined again for probably the 5th time as I keep starting and stopping. But this time I'm serious about losing weight! Please feel free to add me and we can kick each others butts!
  • bmmcqueen
    bmmcqueen Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I have tried it multiple times and given up. This time around, I'm making sustainable changes and not lying to myself in order to eat more. Finding time to exercise with a kid is hard, but I need someone to kick my butt and keep me accountable as well.
  • millymolly5
    millymolly5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey - hello from Scotland i'm also a returning member, just joined the gym with a PT & watching what i'm eating, I have 40lb to loose & I am determined - good luck & also looking for friends for encouragement
  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    I'd love to be a friend on your journey. I have about 100 left to lose (I know my ticker says 20 - that's my 4th quarter goal).
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    Feel free to add me

    on day 78, logging every day, 110lbs to go, great group of active loggers and very motivational people

    Friend me & the people I've friended in last 11 weeks will give you great support
  • didi0601
    didi0601 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me! I need more motivation with friends on here as well. This is my second go around too. The first time I really didn't try hard but this time I'm going to do it. Have about 40 lbs to go so I need some encouragement as well.
  • mlm7281
    mlm7281 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me, too. I've got 35lbs to go, and have been logging daily
  • hockeymomchicago
    hockeymomchicago Posts: 158 Member
    Thank you all!! Such great inspiration and encouragement
  • kmiller2124
    kmiller2124 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just starting thi MFP. Don't know much about it. I'm looking to lose some pounds and never seem to self motivate. I too need some butt kicking and friends to make this more enjoyable.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm just starting thi MFP. Don't know much about it. I'm looking to lose some pounds and never seem to self motivate. I too need some butt kicking and friends to make this more enjoyable.

    get friending people, reading all the explanation posts, checking diaries