Anybody in the 150's wanting to get down to 120's?

Hi i am looking for people around my weight to chat to for support and just to keep me motivated.

Im 25, 5ft 5in and am currently in the 150's but would like to get down to the 120's asap.

My main problem area is my bottom half hips, belly and thighs, i had twin girls nearly 2 years ago by c-section and didnt exercise at all i was just plain lazy but now is the time to change all this and so far i have done well, i started exercising last week and im currently doing the 30 day shred and have not missed a day so far so hoping to keep that up.

If anyone else would like to join me in my weight loss journey or have any tips on how i can do this asap feel free to add me as a friend or message me. :)


  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    I know what you mean, add me if you like!
  • jennyj09
    jennyj09 Posts: 80
    I"m in this same boat!!! I've been workin out and watching what I eat for the past month, and the scale is going UP!!!!!!! UGH...I know they say muscle weigh's more than fat, and I can see a bit of a difference in the way my body looks, but SERIOUSLY!!! I want the numbers on the scale to go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi, I'm also a mom of twin girls...I had them this past January and have been on this website for a little while now. As long as you have your mind set then everything else will follow. Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • Pinkdueces2
    Pinkdueces2 Posts: 48 Member
    I am 5'3 and currently 150.4. My goal is to get down to 105-120. I understand that is there is a big difference between 105 and 120 but I will not know until I get to that point. I will decide once I get there based on how I feel and look. I started at 172, and I've been on a Plateau where I haven't lost but maybe a pound in the past 3 weeks. It's very stressful but I'm hoping to break through and start losing again soon. Anyhow, I would love to have more friends with the same goals! It's always great to have someone there for support!
  • Hi, I'm around the 159 mark at 5'4 so not that happy about it and not sure how it happened, would love to be 120 but realistically the high 120's would make me very happy.

    I have limited time to exercise as a single working mum so any ideas on how to shift the remaining baby belly (4 years on) and hips and thighs would be great x
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    I'm in! I am at 155 and want to be I am beginning another half marathon training beginning this week. I've been watching my calories and trying to stay at 1200. I just need to incorporate exercise daily. I will be making an appt with myself daily from now on for the next 3 months.

    What is everyone doing to burn calories? :smile:

  • Feel free to add me! I am 5'1 and currently 162 and ideally would like to get down to 115 but i'll take the 120's also. I have slowly put this weight on over the past 10 years and am now commited to getting it off. I am in my late 30's now and I know the older you get the harder it is to lose the weight so since i'm definitely not getting any younger I need to do it now!!! I'm all for sharing motivation!!!
  • My best girlfriend and I, who also happens to be my neighbor, are in this journey together and we used to meet each other at they gym at about 5am during the school year, knowing that if the other was waiting there for us we needed to be there. We got out of our routine over the summer but are now back into it, actually riding together to the gym in the morning so that neither of us are tempted to roll over and just turn off the alarm...we now have to meet one another in our driveways for a ride to the gym! Once there we are doing 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training. Twice a week I am also going to the gym to take a Core Strengthening class which so far has kicked my butt both times but it's a great workout! One of the trainers there told me that if you get your core strengthened then everything else falls into place...I'm hoping he is right:happy: I am going to ask the trainer that teaches the class today approx. how many calories we burn during the class. My friend and I were also taking Zumba for a while until I sprained my ankle pretty badly doing it...the instructors say you burn 500-700 calories per class which I believe because it is quite a good workout and a lot of fun!
  • craftykimmer
    craftykimmer Posts: 37 Member
    I'm with you! I started MFP last month at 151, and I'm 5'3. I want to lose 20 pounds. I found a Boot Camp program through an ad on this site and joined. I love/hate it. I've never exercised so hard in my life. It seems like the scale just doesn't wanna move! I've lost inches though and my pants are a little loser? Anyway, add me. I would love to have friends with the same goals.
  • ajadorsey
    ajadorsey Posts: 78 Member
    Add me! I am at 151 and 5'4". I would love to get to between 125 and 130 but would be satisfied with low 130s. Right now I feel like I'm getting nowhere-- would love to connect with friends with a similar challenge to help each other stay motivated.
  • I'm with you! I started at 150 and right now my first goal is 140, but ultimately 120-130 would be amazing! :) I'm 5' 6" so height-wise we're pretty similar.
  • xDSaraxD
    xDSaraxD Posts: 12
    Me too! I've been at a 150/145lb weight stand still for about a year after losing 20lbs last year in about a two month span.
  • katismiles
    katismiles Posts: 96 Member
    same here (sort of) I'm 5'5 i'm about 140, and i want to go down to 120. My problem is my thighs though.
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    Hi, i'm at 156lbs today i say today as i jump up and down 3lbs every few days. i've actually been eating alot more calories this last week week and a half trying to mix my body up in the hope of seeing a loss on the scales...I have lost inches though and feel much better within myself so i gues it's just playing about and finding out what works for you. Feel free to add me people, it be nice to see others progress with the same amounts to lose xx