Odd question-probably overthinking



  • Ryokat
    Ryokat Posts: 168 Member
    I am another one who washes my hair daily. I have fine, thin hair that gets very oily if I don't wash it.

    I have heard so much about daily washing being bad for your hair and that it causes an overproduction of oil. So I tried a two month experiment earlier this year...I tried washing it every other day (I still had to rinse it every time I showered though), and every other day my hair loooked like an oil slick. Dry shampoo does not work for me. My hair is very dark brown/almost black and dry shampoo (even the kind that claims not to leave any white residue) gives me "witch hair" (grey and dull looking).

    So I am back to daily washing and much happier for it. I don't know why I believed the overproduction of oil theory. It's not like we tell people with oily skin to only wash their face once or twice a week.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I have thick hair that I wash and blow dry at least once a day....if I don't, my scalp gets itchy and irritated. After more than 24 hours without washing, the head zits are unbearable. If I wash it once and then workout, it gets washed again.
  • Bookworm1860
    Bookworm1860 Posts: 54 Member
    Your hair is really damaged? Are you sure it's falling out not breaking?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough protein daily.

    If you have dry, damaged hair maybe only use shampoo once a week.

  • MarinaDiane
    MarinaDiane Posts: 6 Member
    Just rinse your hair. DONT use shampoo everyday. It will strip your hair of all those good oils. But a rinse and conditioner would be good. Or even use a gentle cleansing/sulfate free shampoo will help.
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    I have fine hair that used to be prone to being greasy. My scalp hates being washed more than once a week though. The longer I go between shampoos, the longer it takes for my hair to look stringy. I also only shower a few times a week. Maximum of every other day. You don't need to shower daily. It's not great for your skin, and most people won't stink if they skip a shower or two.

    As for the hair fall, check out the no poo method of hair care. Lots of different methods and lots of people that now have gorgeous healthy hair.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    What I can recommend for you, I've studied a lot about the whole beauty and hygiene aspect. My sister in law is a hair stylist and she gave me advice not to wash everyday which I was doing but to use cold water when you wash your hair and for the days you don't shampoo try just conditioning. Most conditioners have some of the same ingredients for cleansing as shampoo but not as harsh.
    I wash my other every other day or every two days it depends. But when I don't wash it I do condition it.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    I’m glad there’s no underlying medical problem. My sister has very thin, very fine hair. She started using Rogaine (Purchased at Walmart OTC) and it has really helped. Just a thought :)
    I wanted to stick this so I could look for this and try it out!
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    It really depends on your hair/type and sweating. I used to wash my hair every day because it was really oily but then I finally found the right shampoo and now I only wash every other day, sometimes every two days. I always wash it when I use gym equipment that my hair touches (laying down on a bench for example). On non wash days I work out, I let it dry afterwards by loosening it up and I run some Whip it Up mousse through it and any possible smell/flatness is gone. Good to go till the next day when I wash it after my workout.
  • msdemeanor70
    msdemeanor70 Posts: 66 Member
    I have very fine, thin, oily-prone hair as well. I workout in some form almost every day and am also a very heavy sweater. I wash my hair every day and have for years. That said, when I was in weight-loss mode (lasted about 18 months, I lost a bunch of hair. Enough that the woman cutting my hair pointed it out numerous times -- like I didn't notice. Grrrr Anyway, I also had all the blood work done panicked that I was going bald. I wasn't. Then, I achieved my goal weight. Within a couple months of that, my hair quit falling out. I definitely know now it was due to the lack of something (likely protein, iron and vitamin D) in my diet while losing weight. Biotin shampoo really helped in the meantime.