Looking to lose my baby weight

AliciaPappas Posts: 3
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, my name is Alicia and I'm 22. I joined this website and downloaded the application on my phone to help with losing my baby weight. I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old that are 17 months apart, and I'm 13 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight with the first one. Does anyone have any advice? I'd also really like to lose my "baby pooch". Feel free to add me, also! :)


  • BossyGirl
    BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
    sit ups!!!!
  • cordeliaba12
    cordeliaba12 Posts: 4 Member
    Sticking to a calorie regimen really works. I am 36 and just had my third three weeks ago. I'm already down 20 lbs and just 15 away from pre-pregnancy weight.

    After my second, the weight wouldn't come off, so when she was 4 mo old, I went to a nutritionist. She put me on 1800 calories a day because I was nursing. She said if I reached my goal by the time I stopped nursing, I could stick to the 1800 as a maintenance plan. It worked great! She made me realize that what I was eating, while very healthy, had too many calories. I also kept a food diary (paper - now I use the phone app), and that helped me rethink my food intake.

    I met and exceeded my goal, and by the time she was 1 yr old, I was more than 10 lbs lighter than when I got pregnant! Then I got pregnant again (oops!) but by then, I knew I could lose it again - so here I am and it's going well.

    Some tips she gave me:
    - Track every calorie, at least at first, until you re-train yourself.
    - Moms especially must beware the "BLTs" - Bite, Lick, Taste. That nibble off your child's plate has calories too.
    - Buy 100 calorie packs and other foods that come pre-packaged so you are not tempted to eat more than you should.
    - Skim milk is a great snack choice - it has protein, it hydrates, and it has only 90 calories.

    Hope this helps!!!
  • Wow, congrats on losing all of that weight! Thank you for the advice, also! I definitely am going to try all of that, and hopefully I'm as successful as you've been. :smile:
  • cordeliaba12
    cordeliaba12 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! I definitely have my ups and downs. Yesterday I ate some very high calorie Mexican food after wearing myself out doing yardwork in the heat. But then the next day you get back on the horse, I guess!

    Good luck and enjoy those babies!
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