What I've Realized

I read a lot of post with people who are frustrated with slow or stopped weight loss. We all want it to happen yesterday. I started this journey in early January. I had every excuse in the book not to diet or exercise. I have 4 active kids, full time job, husband. I was at the heaviest weight I had ever been at. I even dieted a week before getting on the scale at 160. I stayed pretty true to my diet and exercise plan and lost 35 pounds in about 6 months. I no longer am trying to lose just maintain what I have lost.

What I have realized is that now the work really begins. None of us are on a diet. Diet implies that when we reach our goal we can quit. We can never go back to our old ways. This change we are making is forever, a change of lifestyle. That is why this site is called my FITNESS pal not my DIET pal. I can never go back to eating fastfood 4 or 5 times a week. I can never go back to eating lunch in our school's cafeteria. I need to continue exercising 5 to 7 time a week.

But probably most important, I need to keep logging my food. The last couple of weeks I got lazy and would quit after lunch thinking I have more than enough calories for dinner. But then I started snacking after dinner. Now don't get me wrong, I often snack after dinner but it is planned and logged. If I have the calories and feel like using them I do, I don't worry about time of day. Because of this lazyness I have gained a few pounds in the last week. If I continued my lazy ways I could gain back the weight in much less time than I took it off, this is a real wake up call for me. I am not sure how long I will continue to log on here and record my food and exercise but I am going to guess it will be a while.

These changes I have made are not just for weight loss but for LONG TERM health. I feel better, I sleep better at night (don't snore anymore), and I am overall a healthier person. And don't think your kids aren't watching you. My daughter has told many people how mom gets up in the morning and exercises and has changed her diet. She has started eating a bunch more vegetables as well. My example speaks much louder than my words.

Please don't get down on yourself if you have a bad day, week or month. None of us gained our weight in a week and we won't lose it that way either. This is about the long haul, this is your life. Start each day fresh and give yourself a pat on the back for all the little victories. But most importantly do this for your long term healthy self, love who you are enough to take care of you!.

Good luck on your journey and I know each of you can make where you want to be.


  • ☆ShawnsMom08☆
    ☆ShawnsMom08☆ Posts: 74 Member
    Great blog! I needed to read this!
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you for sharing your perspective from where you are on this journey. Great post!
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    so true - great thoughts
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    Well said - I so agree....
  • sourcat
    sourcat Posts: 12
    Thanks! that was a nice read.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
  • lgubbels
    lgubbels Posts: 27 Member
    I have to remind myself of this daily. Thanks for reiterating what I have started to tell myself, too. :)
  • Thanks! I needed to hear that!
  • kkemom
    kkemom Posts: 6
    I hope many people find this message and make that connection.

    Thank you for giving me that refresher!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    What I have realized is that now the work really begins. None of us are on a diet. Diet implies that when we reach our goal we can quit. We can never go back to our old ways.

    But probably most important, I need to keep logging my food.

    These changes I have made are not just for weight loss but for LONG TERM health. I feel better, I sleep better at night (don't snore anymore), and I am overall a healthier person. And don't think your kids aren't watching you. My daughter has told many people how mom gets up in the morning and exercises and has changed her diet. She has started eating a bunch more vegetables as well. My example speaks much louder than my words.

    Please don't get down on yourself if you have a bad day, week or month.

    This is about the long haul, this is your life. Start each day fresh and give yourself a pat on the back for all the little victories. But most importantly do this for your long term healthy self, love who you are enough to take care of you!.


    Maintenance scares the crap out of me!. It has from the get go.

    I've been doing this for 11 months now and still haven't internalized what the appropriate amount of food I need to eat for the day feels like.

    I really need to see it in black and white. Then look back at the cause and effect to see what works for me.
    I was amazed at how freakin' scary it was to put calories back into my diet.

    I know if I'm going to maintain this long-term I'm going to have to track for a long time to come.
    I am looking forward to the day when I can trust listening to my body and have it tell me when it's enough.

    Thanks for posting

  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    spot on!

    its easy to get frustrated early. its sometimes easier to get complacent (halfass) once you see some measureable results. it helps me to recite my goals each day and to think about how much healthier I am becoming...and how great that feels.
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Yes...thank you for sharing...I needed thison today...
  • That is so true. We are in this for the long haul and it is not a short-term fix. Thanks for posting your thoughts and it is good you realized things so quickly. You are an inspiration with all that you have to take care of. My goal weight is 125 and I hope to see that number and maintain for life. :wink:
  • onefuzzy
    onefuzzy Posts: 33 Member
    Well said!
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    I read a lot of post with people who are frustrated with slow or stopped weight loss. We all want it to happen yesterday. I started this journey in early January. I had every excuse in the book not to diet or exercise. I have 4 active kids, full time job, husband. I was at the heaviest weight I had ever been at. I even dieted a week before getting on the scale at 160. I stayed pretty true to my diet and exercise plan and lost 35 pounds in about 6 months. I no longer am trying to lose just maintain what I have lost.

    What I have realized is that now the work really begins. None of us are on a diet. Diet implies that when we reach our goal we can quit. We can never go back to our old ways. This change we are making is forever, a change of lifestyle. That is why this site is called my FITNESS pal not my DIET pal. I can never go back to eating fastfood 4 or 5 times a week. I can never go back to eating lunch in our school's cafeteria. I need to continue exercising 5 to 7 time a week.

    But probably most important, I need to keep logging my food. The last couple of weeks I got lazy and would quit after lunch thinking I have more than enough calories for dinner. But then I started snacking after dinner. Now don't get me wrong, I often snack after dinner but it is planned and logged. If I have the calories and feel like using them I do, I don't worry about time of day. Because of this lazyness I have gained a few pounds in the last week. If I continued my lazy ways I could gain back the weight in much less time than I took it off, this is a real wake up call for me. I am not sure how long I will continue to log on here and record my food and exercise but I am going to guess it will be a while.

    These changes I have made are not just for weight loss but for LONG TERM health. I feel better, I sleep better at night (don't snore anymore), and I am overall a healthier person. And don't think your kids aren't watching you. My daughter has told many people how mom gets up in the morning and exercises and has changed her diet. She has started eating a bunch more vegetables as well. My example speaks much louder than my words.

    Please don't get down on yourself if you have a bad day, week or month. None of us gained our weight in a week and we won't lose it that way either. This is about the long haul, this is your life. Start each day fresh and give yourself a pat on the back for all the little victories. But most importantly do this for your long term healthy self, love who you are enough to take care of you!.

    Good luck on your journey and I know each of you can make where you want to be.
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    That needs to be my motto as well. I love to snack..esp. at night. If I don't plan and record
    these little nibbles here and there, I could easily nibble away 500 cal or more!
  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    Wonderful thoughts, it should be a sticked thread if you ask me. Its a wonderful perspective on the reality of what we are trying to achieve. It is not only something we can apply to our wieght but to other things like work, school, etc ..
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    For me, it's not a "diet" - it's a life change.
    A life change never stops....

    Good luck on your journey!! :)
  • What I have realized is that now the work really begins. None of us are on a diet. Diet implies that when we reach our goal we can quit. We can never go back to our old ways. This change we are making is forever, a change of lifestyle. That is why this site is called my FITNESS pal not my DIET pal. I can never go back to eating fastfood 4 or 5 times a week. I can never go back to eating lunch in our school's cafeteria. I need to continue exercising 5 to 7 time a week.

    But probably most important, I need to keep logging my food. The last couple of weeks I got lazy and would quit after lunch thinking I have more than enough calories for dinner. But then I started snacking after dinner. Now don't get me wrong, I often snack after dinner but it is planned and logged.

    My thoughts exactly! This new me is embracing a new lifestyle. There's no going back. No more school cafeteria food. (I started out in the school cafeteria & now teach 3rd gr. When I was there, we did all our own baking and forming of hamburgers, etc. Now it's all so processed & just heated up. sad.) When I go out to eat, I have to plan it ahead of time or the old me thinks I can have whatever I want, as much as I want. Sometimes I wonder if she'll ever get out of my head! So I've realized, I won't be done til I'm 6 ft. under. :) And I'm really good with that!

    Thanks for sharing!