
I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I have started drinking water all day. Cutting out chocolate. I’d rather just have a candy bar than food or skip eating altogether. I’d even eat a gummy vitamin over food at times and yet I’m huge. PCOS doesn’t help. I took Paxil almost 2 years and gained 50lbs in less than 3 months. Stopped the Paxil and weight has been stable like before. But I have lost what I gained.
My exercise is my OCD housecleaning.
If I start out the first week really getting my water intake up. I hate water and usually don’t drink it at all and get my calories under 1700 and in a healthy way. Then add exercise in via gym or walking, etc in the next week or so. Will that be setting me up for failure? Does it need to be all at once or can a transition like I’m talking abt work?
After my son passed away in 2014 I have a really hard time dealing with life in general. He is survived by his twin sister who has many medical issues that make her medically complex


  • PositiveChange2013
    PositiveChange2013 Posts: 25 Member
    There's nothing wrong with easing into a healthier lifestyle. Upping the water intake is a big plus as a starter. I can also relate to the desire to have chocolate over real food. However, 80% or so of dieting starts with what you put in your mouth.

    Starting with a reasonable calorie amount is good. It's good that you're OCD about housecleaning. That's something that will keep your mind off of wanting more food.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Sorry to hear about your son. I lost my daughter in 2004 but the loss is still great. It wouldbrgoodif you could log your food and drink intake then we could help youa little more with healthy choices. Good luck and take care
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited October 2017
    You can drink diet sodas instead of water if that is what you like.

    If you have a safe place to walk and walking is easier for you, then doing that is a good way to start.

    I am sorry about your son.
    Good luck with your daughter. Do you get help with her?

    Being successful is all about what works for you. No need to do everything at once.
  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 405 Member
    edited October 2017
    The loss of a child is something so horrific and debilitating, that piecing your life back together afterwards, is almost impossible.
    I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy.

    It is a wonderful thing, that you are putting your health first.
    This is a lifelong slow road.
    Just take it a step at a time.
    Nothing too drastic.

    Have you tried making a jug of fresh water and adding lemon and lime slices, or fresh berries and mint leaves
    Plain mineral or soda water can be flavoured in the same way.
    Log all your food and just stick with it.

    If you have a bad day, start again tomorrow.
    And if you want a treat, have it.

    Take care of yourself lovely.
    If you would like support.
    I am here for you.
  • Findmyselfinhere
    Findmyselfinhere Posts: 6 Member
    I’m doing good with water. The best I have ever done. I hate it. But my intake is over 64 oz daily. I’m still modifying my eating but I am tracking everything. So hopefully the water is a big step because I have never stuck with it and done this much oz even in one day. I’ve cut calories.