changed scales-need help


Need some help....i have been on this site for about 3 weeks now, i statred using a old scale that i had around the house well now it broke...i went and bought a new one and my weight is off by 4 wondering do i just start my profile over based off the new scale with the new weight and disregard the lbs that i lost so far by the old scale??? FRUSTRATED!!!


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    You still lost the weight. It just means you started 4 pounds heavier than you thought. I think you could change your starting weight and current weight to reflect that, but that is up to you.
  • jennyrowell
    jennyrowell Posts: 24 Member
    I would go ahead and start over with the new scale weight.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    You still lost the weight. It just means you started 4 pounds heavier than you thought. I think you could change your starting weight and current weight to reflect that, but that is up to you.

    i agree , what a good way round it!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Every scale is different. That can be so frustrating! Regardless, you have lost the weight that you have lost. So I would re-record your starting weight and current weight to reflect what it would have been if you were using the new scale from the beginning. Discouraging? Yes! But just put it out of your mind and move on. You have been successful so far and keep it up!!
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    I agree just forge forward. I did the exact same thing as you and although my profile reflects 9 pounds it has been 16 pounds. Either way , I look good and feel terrific so I continue to march on .... whether the ticker is correct or not. Either way, it is still a loss.
  • beke2353
    beke2353 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the feedback.....have a great day!!
  • whitejessamine
    You still lost the weight. It just means you started 4 pounds heavier than you thought. I think you could change your starting weight and current weight to reflect that, but that is up to you.

    This is what I did. My new scale added 5 lbs, but I knew I had lost 20, so I just changed my weight entries, adding 5 to each, so it would reflect both the weight I'd lost AND what I actually weigh. I couldn't bear to lose credit for those 5 lbs!
  • carrun
    carrun Posts: 16
    HI this happened to me too.I have just waited for me to lose the weight and get to that number on the new. Yes it was very frustrating, because I know that I was doing well. I finally got to where I was on the old scale and today went below. You can do it too!
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    I had a simialr problem recently with converting my weight on my scales from stones to pounds :( a messed up so I edited all my weights to the right amount and although my lbs lost had gone down I know I am now on the right weight in pounds ;) My scales weigh different depending on where I have them so I go with whichever weights appears 3 times in a row - its only a few pounds difference but still a difference ;)