*NEW* P90X August Group

tuduis Posts: 67
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm looking for more to join me on the journey through p90x. I'd like to start as soon as possible (yesterday) and would love to give and get some encouragement. If you'd like to join or recently have started please feel free to hop aboard the "Bring It" train. Share you interest and lets get moving!


  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    All aboard the 'Bring It' train! toot toot! LOL
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started my second round as of yesterday. I am modifying the lean program a little to add more cardio this go around. Good luck!

  • stephmn
    stephmn Posts: 18
    My DVDs should be in the mail today or tomorrow!! I'd love a group to hold me accountable! :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Have the DVDs...now just to USE them!
  • omgadam
    omgadam Posts: 7
    Love P90X, results of my first round of it were amazing. I'm currently in a hybrid program of P90X and One on One with Tony Horton to get prepped for P90X2 this fall. Today was Plyo X!
  • malmustafa79
    malmustafa79 Posts: 107 Member
    I started yesterday with a couple of other people you can add me:smile:
  • Hi,

    I have been doing P90X and I am now in my 6th week on the "lean". I LOVE it! I have noticed a change in my body with more strength and endurance. During my first 4 weeks I lost a total of 7.5 inches. You don't necessarily lose pounds at first but definitely inches! Good luck, if you have questions, I can try to help!

  • star727
    star727 Posts: 5
    I started yesterday! I did plyos today.
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Love P90X, results of my first round of it were amazing. I'm currently in a hybrid program of P90X and One on One with Tony Horton to get prepped for P90X2 this fall. Today was Plyo X!


    P90X2, Oh it's on!
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    I just finished Week 2 of the lean program. Good luck! I must say the many message boards I've found for P90x have been so encouraging. Keep at it. The results are amazing. I can tell already with my endurance.
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Alright. Let the games begin!!! I'm about to head home to kick off Arms and Shoulders and will double up on the weekend to catch up to those who started yesterday.
  • i'M in! I am on day 4 of the 2nd week. BRING IT!!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Woot! Just (literally about 20 minutes ago) finished Day 1! ... only 89 more to go *sigh* but I have a beach trip for Mexico in October so the timing should be perfect!
  • omgadam
    omgadam Posts: 7
    Woot! Just (literally about 20 minutes ago) finished Day 1! ... only 89 more to go *sigh* but I have a beach trip for Mexico in October so the timing should be perfect!

    Nice! Your body might rebel against you (especially after what your going to put it through tomorrow haha) but just keep pushin play!
  • I started the end of June so I am on Week 6, but is my first time doing it. I would love support. I love it!! Good luck to all of you! It is difficult when you begin, but stick with it. It stays difficult, but you start notice your endurance changing and it feels great!!
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Day 1 done, day two here I come!

    If you'd like to post measurements go for it. I'm personally going to take before and afters. One thing I remember from my last run was not to focus so much on your weight as you do on your inches, as mine fluctuated like crazy but the results were definitely visible.

    Keep it up!
  • omgadam
    omgadam Posts: 7
    Day 1 done, day two here I come!

    If you'd like to post measurements go for it. I'm personally going to take before and afters. One thing I remember from my last run was not to focus so much on your weight as you do on your inches, as mine fluctuated like crazy but the results were definitely visible.

    Keep it up!

    Great job on completing your first day! I also agree on not focusing on the numbers, just remember that muscle weighs more than fat! Also, are you following the schedule? I only ask because you said you did shoulders and arms first while I think I remember Chest and Back to be the first workout. Todays workouts for me was Cardio X in the early a.m. and then Diamond Delts and Just Arms (my replacement for shoulders and arms) and Ab Ripper X

    Anyway, here is my before/after pic from my first round which ended in April http://twitpic.com/4jp6ek
    I'm more muscular now but I gained around 6 lbs of fat from going to Germany and camping with my family, but that should shred away within a few weeks (it better haha)
  • star727
    star727 Posts: 5
    I will be doing my day three today. However my legs are killing from plyos! Especially when walking upstairs, downstairs and after sitting for a few min, But I have to say I am loving it!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My arms hurt...and my legs lol. But tonight will be Day 2! Keep asking my husband if he's going to do it with me and somehow the conversation keeps changing ;) I'm doing the "Lean" version and then if I can make it through the 90 days (I WILL make it) then I'll go to the full version and then maybe do it all again. I've heard that the first week is the hardest and that you don't see any real difference until the 2nd or 3rd month so I'm going to not get discouraged!
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    @FaugHorn - Keep it up =) I didn't notice that much of a difference until most of the way through the second month. It's totally worth it!

    Day 2 Done and on Day 3. I did accidently start on Arms & Shoulders so today will be chest and back, no biggie...

    Awesome job guys!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Yay Day 2 Cardio X done! Tonight will be Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X

    I actually had a lot of fun yesterday, when it was banana superman time I kept saying it after him real loud, freaked out my dog AND my husband :) banana BANANA superman SUPERMAN lol (guess you had to be there)
  • omgadam
    omgadam Posts: 7
    haha yes the superman banana sequence is a classic. Core Synergistics, if you haven't done it already (not familiar with the Lean schedule), will be a blast if you liked that sequence.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Core Synergistics was Day 1 and I HATE them but it was easier when I made it a game :)
  • star727
    star727 Posts: 5
    I have to say I am loving P90x! Even if my son tells me I look funny.. lol.. How are you guys doing with it? What is your favorite so far?
  • jrax1
    jrax1 Posts: 6
    Quick question - are the P90X workouts listed in the database anywhere so that we could add them to the exercise diary? Just curious. Thanks!
  • star727
    star727 Posts: 5
    I haven't found any. If you happen to find them let me know..
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