Why Even Try! HELP!

I again could not sleep, been extra stressed out about school and my financal situation. I seem to not ever get to come out on top. I try and try and never see results on anything. I got up late today and guess what I have gained 0.8 since the last time I posted. I am so frustrated and want to give up. I am excersising and eatting right and even under my goal every day. I keep pushing but never get there. I am tired of being stuck in the same old clothes and the same size. I put my pants on yest. the only ones I have left to wear and they were tight. and I have lost like 11 pounds but they were very snug. I hate that feeling. I have been working hard for 2 weeks and still not getting any results like I need too. I am stuck at 223-224 and need to figure out how to get under that. I could not eat and get under that but that is not good. I have been drinking my water and doing at least 30 minutes of excersise if not more. I will make it where people can look at what I am eatting. I need HELP! I am about ready to give up. and be stuck at this same ole stupid weight I have been at for at least 2 years. UGH!!!


  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    What is your calorie intake? Maybe try upping it... Take measurements..cause sometimes weight may not come off but inches do..
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I can relate, i have started and stopped a zillion times, right now feeling frustrated because i'm doing so well logging and as i obsess over the scale it does not budge. However, i know that if we continue doing it, one day it will budge...the key is just not to give up right? There is no way you can exercise and eat healthy and within calorie range and not lose weight forever. Maybe up your water and veggies, and keep a positive mindset. I think that helps us the most (and is one of the biggest things that defeat us!)
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I think all the motivation you need to keep going is right on your profile page. What you listed are very very good reasons to push through. You will get there you just have to focus and make changes.You don't have to open your diary but take a look at some that are open and ask food advice and see what people have to say. Good luck and my diary is open i you want to take a look. I do not have kids and only cook for myself at the moment but, it might give you an idea. Good Luck and I will be praying for you :)
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    I'm sorry girl, that is very frustrating. I understand. I have been on this site since Jan and have only lost 14lbs. But I am not giving up because I know that at least trying makes it worth it. Exercising 30 mins every day is fantastic, and even though you're not losing as fast as you want to, exercising every day is good for your body! Do not give up, do this for you and for your health. Keep it up and you will start seeing results! You haven't been on the site too long, give yourself more of a chance to get used to this lifestyle. It takes time, but you are off to a great start!
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    First of all...TAKE A BREATH!!! Everything will be fine. The world is not crashing around your shoulders like you seem to be feeling.
    A couple of tips. "Accurately" count all calories going in, and all calories burned. It's fairly simple physics really. If you're consuming less than your body needs to run, you WILL lose weight. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but you will lose it. Don't weigh yourself everyday. Once a week is good, like first thing Monday mornings.

    And one other thing. You appear to be a beautiful woman, don't put all your self-worth in your weight.
  • paleonyx
    paleonyx Posts: 32 Member
    When we stress our stress hormone level goes up, which is called "cortisol." This is a real scientific survival mechanism, stress causes increased secretion of cortisol. When I was first beginning my weight loss journey, I was under the most stress of my life. It was literally the worst year of my life. I was working out 90mins a day, eating 1200 calories and losing almost nothing. I went to the doctor fearing I had a thyroid disorder. She looked at my exercise/diet journal and we sat down and discussed my life. She believed the enormous amount of stress I was under was completely negating all of my hard work. I was temporarily put on Wellbutrin for about 9 months until I got over that hump in my life. I'm not pushing drugs, that is not the solution for everyone. I also tried relaxation techniques, such as reading, gardening, walking in the woods and bubble baths. All of those things combined helped SO MUCH and I started losing. Bottom line- if you're super stressed, stressing about losing weight will not help at all. Keep working and try finding activities that relax you and ease some of the stress in your life. You could also try a different type of exercise, it could also be you aren't getting the intensity level you need. Hang in there!!
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    It may sound silly to some people, but positive thinking really helps, not only in this situation, but in life in general. Stop dwelling on the negative things or you may very well just talk yourself into giving up. If you stay the course and keep doing the right things the weight will come off.
  • ReneeTurnage
    I agree with most of the other posts. I too had some problems with "why even try", and then I reminded myself of my goal. As hard as it may seem now, remember to keep your head up. You have a very large support group here, and all of us are willing to help.

    With all the exercise you are doing, you are probably building muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. I was having problems because my clothes were still fitting the same and the scale wasn't moving either, but I remembered my goal, and continued the journey. You CAN do this, just stay the course. Everyone is behind you and has been in your shoes at one time or another.

    Remember you are purifying your temple!!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I've been stuck in a plateau for 4 months. I TOTALLY get the feeling of why even try. For me, I've had to take my focus off the scale. I still weigh daily but I've been stuck at 177-179 for 4 months. I've switched my focus truly to being healthier. I'm working on making healthier choices. I'm developing muscles!! (I'm ridiculously proud of my muscles, not that the average person can see them but I know they're there & getting stronger!) Walks that used to make me out of breath no longer take my breath away. I can do 10 real pushups now! (I started out only being able to do 2!).
    I haven't completely given up on the scale- I should be getting a referral to a nutritionist this week sometime- but a side benefit of this very frustrating plateau is that this has truly become a journey to get healthier rather than get skinny.