Booty-licious Accountability Group Challenge

I recently got this program and am about to start it and have had several others that are joining me so I figured I would see if
there is anyone else out there that would like to join us to see who can get the most booty-licious in just 4 weeks working with the
Brazil Butt Lift at home workout program. The majority of us will be starting up on MOnday, August 15th but it doesn't matter when you start, just that you DO!

If your ready to do the challenge with us just friend me and tell me your name and when you'll be starting &/or feel free to ask me
any questions you might have. Also post on here as well.

The more the can do anything for 4 weeks! Colleen (Seattle) :tongue:


  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    what is the booty-licious program and if I decide to join your group, where do I get the program from?
  • Latai
    Latai Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! Where is the program available at?
  • Jesse13
    Jesse13 Posts: 72
    I would love to join, but where can I get the program please?
  • snthoma7
    snthoma7 Posts: 17 Member
    Sounds interesting.... How do I sign up?!
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    Girls I will send you the information on how to get your buns of steel ;0)
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    i've been previewing and have done 2 of the workouts and can tell you that my buns are sore already...can't wait to get some lift! ;0)
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    Okay girls, I've had 1 commitment and can't wait to get started hopefully with the rest of you. You may even want to post on your facebook wall to see if a friend of yours has the program gathering dust and you can borrow it. Please private message me with your email address if you are 100% in and I will get you dialed into our accountability group. happy Thursday! Any new takers?
  • run4life21
    run4life21 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in. My problem is my lower body so this would definitely do it fo rme. tired of lunges..
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    Okay girls...I returned emails on how to get the program and how to find me on facebook to be added to accountability group. I started day 1 today but your welcome to join in as you can but you have to commit and follow through. LOVING his workouts and how fun they are! Colleen