Weight loss tips please

I will admit that I have been terrible at loggibg in the food I eat...I was doing a summer school program that didn't allow me to use my telephone or be near a computer. And now with the school year 2 weeks away, I haven't lost any weight which I was hoping for over the summer. I wanted to go back to work and have my collegues be surprosed at how I look. But that is not happening. I have been eating right and exercising....but am dropping nothing. I am tall, 5'11 and 205 pounds. I gigured the first 10-15 would "fall right off" by changing my diet to greens, protein and lots of water...but no. Nothing is falling and I am beginning to become depressed about it. I bought a couple new tops for back to school (what, teachers like back to school shopping too!!), and have a closet full of pants...that I can't wear. Any helpful suggestions??


  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    if you log your food correctly and hit your calories eaten and calories burned goal you should be losing weight!!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Log EVERYTHING you eat. Even if everything you eat is healthy, if you're not at a caloric deficit you will not lose weight.

    Write everything down in a notebook if you can't access a computer or smart phone. Or do what I do: pack everything ahead of time and log it before you leave the house in the morning.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Log your food correctly If you allow 1200 try to eat 1200 not extra
    Watch your sodium level 2,500 mgm or less less is better
    Drink your water at least 64 oz
    Exercise at least 3 day a week
    S.W. 350 H.W369
    C.W 215
    G. W 150
    You can do this! You will succeed!
  • Okmoose
    Okmoose Posts: 10
    Do you eat breakfast every day ? If not you MUST start. The body needs to start every day knowing it will get fuel that day, even if it is something as light as an apple or a bagel. Good luck and hang in there.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    something that also helps if youre stuck at a plateau even with working out is interval training. something like running for a few minutes then walking then repeat. raising and lowering your heart rate blasts your calories up and keeps your metabolism running at a higher level after you work out
  • Scott_Parkinson
    Scott_Parkinson Posts: 23 Member
    If you aren't eating enough (at least 1100 calories), you're body's metabolism will drop sharply. Make sure you eat enough, get a decent amount of exercise, and it will start to fall off. I've only been losing about a pound a week, but I feel a lot better. Even if you don't have the first "10-15" fall off right away, you'll stll notice a big difference in how you feel about yourself.
  • raydeb
    raydeb Posts: 33 Member
    My tip is the same as many watch the Cals log it all (good or bad) then start a plan of exersize Walking-jogging at least 30 min twice a day. You will loose 2lbs per week (maybe more) then keep going.

    Good look......................
  • lsmiii
    lsmiii Posts: 3 Member
    I completely changed my approach to what I eat about the beginning to middle of June. I don't know what you're doing but this is what I did. I immediately cut out all drinks that contain sugar. I limited the diet drinks to 1 per day. I did allow myself to drink 8oz of juice per day mixed with another 24 oz of water. I mostly just drink water now and eat an orange every day. I went cold turkey on sugary foods, candy etc. I log my meals every day and carry a days supply of food with me to work. I eat something small every 2-3 hours so that I never get hungry, also keep it small so I never get full. I drink lots of water. Lots of water. LOTS of water. Did I mention I drink lots of water? I eat turkey bacon (microwaved on a paper towel for 2 minutes), tilapia, sardines, baby spinach, tomatoes, tons of broccoli and cauliflower and my favorite Walmart's own GREAT VALUE ALL NATURAL SOUTHWEST SPICY MUSTARD. Its the best. I dropped 20 lbs QUICK focusing on a 1500 to 1700 calorie diet. I sometimes go higher on the weekend and NEVER lower than 1200. I'm a white male, 38, 6'1" (and very good looking but thats irrelevant to weight loss) went from 245 to 217 this summer from June to August. I never excercise but spend most of my day walking around the plant that I work in.

    You may not get the results that I did. I'm big and male. Its easy for us. Don't give up. Eat healthy, but eat happy. Plan to eat. Americans alway know they're going to eat, but they never PLAN to eat. Some days my meals are all lean meats, veggies and water. Some days I factor in beer and oreos. I keep to the 1700 plan as much as possible. The weekends I cheat. I don't go nuts though. 2500 calories TOPS. You may show up at the end of summer not having lost what you wanted. Its not the end of the world. You're still a good looking blonde. I can diet and excercise till I turn blue, but I'll never be a sexy blonde. You're already ahead of the game.
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    Plan, plan, plan! while phone apps are convenient, they are not necessary. If you don't have access to a computer butonce a day you can still long your food. I have food/meals that I eat regularly (same food for breakfast and lunch M-F and a rotation of go-to dinners) I plan dinners for the week on sunday and log in most (if not all of my food) the night before - actually I logged in all my meals this week through friday sunday night! I have added, or subtracted or substitiuted food along the way, but the bulk of it is there. I feel it helps me stay on track. I know how much I have to exercise to eat the food I have planned and I also know if I want something extra if there is room for it or how much MORE exercise I will have to put in. This really helps me stay on track.
  • rileydi
    rileydi Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone...I know, log, log, log. I guess I just need to step up my game. Maybe if i'm lucky I can drop 4-5 piunds before school starts on the 22nd. And lsmiii...you're comment about your looks randomly thrown in made me smile! Well I am out visiting my boyfriend in California and I want to go lay by the pool...which mind you is a half mile up hill...no joke!! Talk about feeling out of shape! Everytime I climb that thing I feel like i'm gonna die love walking down it though :)