Lower Belly Fat

Hi Everyone, so I'm worried that my lower belly fat is going to be saggy skin when I hit my goal weight...so is there anything I can do now to help prevent that. Like eating certain things and/or doing certain exercises?


  • paulwatts747
    paulwatts747 Posts: 60 Member
    edited October 2017
    It happens well before you hit your goal weight. I don't know of any way of preventing it but if someone does I'd like to know too! It does shrink back somewhat over time if you're lucky.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    It depends how much you lose, how fast and how old you are.

    If you lose a lot you'll be more prone to saggy skin and more so if done quickly as your skin has less time to rebound. The older you are is a factor too...teen skin is resilient but not so much at 59.

    This isn't something exercise can fix. It is loose skin.