I NEED HELP!! Food addiction at its worst!

I NEED HELP!!!! So today is my sisters 16th birthday. Which means family is coming over and we are ordering (my biggest weakness in the whole world!) WinCo PIZZA! Now for normal people they have 1-3 slices and that’s it. But for me (a pizza addict) I have 4-5 maybe even 6 slices! I literally eat until I’m sick because I can’t get enough of the bread/cheesy goodness! :( It’s sad I know. But it’s like I have absolutely no self control when it comes to pizza and when that smell hits my nose! I NEED HELP!


  • dilan0620
    Drink a lot of water before you go, then you will be less likely to want to eat a lot
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    When I know I am going to be around a "pitfall food", I eat something healthy before i'm exposed to it.
    So you have eaten something healthy before, and won't eat as much "bad food" before you are full.
    It's cliche, but have a salad.
  • th1nkth1nmama
    try drinking a whole bottle of water before you eat to help fill you up. That works for me sometimes.
  • WordToYourMamma
    I am a total binger. I would avoid even eating a slice if you cannot control yourself. Or set up your allotment and don't even let yourself let one thought sneak in. I always make little excuses or tell myself I had a low cal day or tomorrow I will eat better. If you are only going to allow yourslef 2 slices. Thats it, no excuses. Period. And be sober.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    It is all up to you. Weightloss is about taking control of your habits and realizing you are the only one in control. I know how hard it is, my work has pizza parties all the time it seems, infact there is some in the fridge right now! Log the calories for 3 slices, once you see what it does to your diet you might be morivated to stop there. Think about why you want to lose, weight, is that one slice going to benifit you more then losing a couple pounds. The answer is it will not! No food will taste as good as weight loss feels.
  • amonc
    amonc Posts: 1
  • bellychris
    Eat something filling and healthy before you go. Also if your going to have pizza limit it to only one slice and maybe eat a large salad with the pizza. If you don't think you can only have one or two slices, maybe try to eliminate the pizza all together.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Go get a Full Bar and ddrink lots of water. Full Bar is not the best thing - but in dire emergency such as this....I'd opt for it!! :tongue: Just keep telling yourself "Is it worth it? Is it worth sabatoging all the hard work I've done?"

    You can do it... good luck!
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    I second that water idea. Try drinking it before the pizza ever hits home. I love winco... I can see where your weakness is. haha. I am actually going there later today. haha.. anyway.. Or veggies if you can... fill up on fruit/veg/water before the pizza gets home. That way you shouldnt be able to binge the way you normally would.

    Something that helps me is tracking the "bad food" before I eat it... 1 slice of the leonardi's pepperoni pizza is 280cals, 12fat, 30carbs... so if you ate those dreaded 6 slices... It would be 1680 calories, 72 fat, 180 carbs... Track the amount of pizza that you can afford to eat. Then don't let yourself go over board. If you have to... cut your pizza into bite size pieces and eat it with a fork so that it takes longer. You can do it!! Good luck!! :)
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    I definitely know where you are coming from! First of all, YAY to you for realizing that you DO have a problem with overeating!

    For me, I KNOW that I have a problem having 'just one'...be it pizza, chips, crackers, candy etc...SO...I find that MOST of the time, it isn't worth it to even START eating the 'problem' foods.

    Yes, its annoying, and YES you do need to 'enjoy life' and 'splurge' once in a while.....but i've learned that the sick feeling that often follows binge eating is NOT worth it..and I'm learning how to avoid it.....its a slow process, but i'm learning! :)

    Stay positive, remember YOU ARE IN CONTROL....you make your choices, and your choices will define you!
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Looking up the calorie count before I go helps me stay under... Instead of 'delicious pizza' I see 600 calories a slice!
  • khoran45
    khoran45 Posts: 91 Member
    Eat before you go! Get yourself nice and full and AVOID as much as possible. If you are okay with it, ask your family members to support you and keep you away. If not, take a break, go out in the "fresh" non pizza filled air. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You are awesome!!
  • LeCitron
    LeCitron Posts: 71
    One thing that I find helps is to have another taste in your mouth. For instance, brush your teeth with a very minty toothpaste and then eat a slice of pizza. I guarantee you that the mixing of tastes will be weird, if not unpleasant, and you'll put that pizza slice down. You could try that or try sucking on a peppermint when the urge to splurge gets too overwhelming. I know that this helps to control my binge eating, especially since with binge eating I know I'm not hungry but eat for the sake of eating.

    Don't forget to drink lots of water too!

    Stay strong during the party! We're all here to support you. :)
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    You know yourself best, but even if i fill up on other stuff first, I will eat the same amount of pizza.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Thank you so much to every single one of you! I have new found confidence after reading your posts. What I have decided to do is:
    *Eat a huge salad either before or with my pizza.
    * I'm going to add in the pizza to my calories right now so i can see how many slices I can afford to eat without going over my daily calories (that way I’m not down/depressed because I’m not allowing myself to have any)
    * Drink 3 large glasses of water before the pizza!
    (I just hope that the family eats all the leftovers because if that’s sitting in the fridge I won’t be eating anything else until that last slice in gone.) HURRAY for food addiction! :sad:

    Again! Thank you so much!
    I'd be so fat if it wasn’t for the support of MFP! haha
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Plan for it. Eat light the rest of the day, work out a little extra. Enjoy the pizza. Get back on track the next day.
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    You say everyone is coming to your place ~ how about making a nice big salad to accompany the pizza. If you have something else more healthful to eat as well, perhaps you won't take that 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th slice. I don't have pizza [out or ordered] very often - so when I do - I tend to go a bit overboard too - so I can relate. And if there are any leftovers ~ send them home with someone. Stay strong ~ you can do it!!!
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I drive my husband nuts because I pick all the toppings off my pizza and eat them individually, before I even eat the pizza. That way, it takes longer, I get "more bites" of it in my mouth. Usually when I am finishing my piece, my husband is starting on piece #3 already. Making things last in your mouth is what the addiction is about. Just break it up so that it lasts just as long, but it is only as many pieces as you are allowed.
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    I third (fourth?) the recommendation to log the calories BEFORE you eat them. That helped me so many times in the past 6 months. If I truly don't know how much I'm going over my calorie count it's easy to just pretend I don't care. But if I know right out of the gate exactly how much of something I can eat and still stay close to my goal I'm not nearly as tempted to overeat. I'd venture to say most days I logged about 75% of my calories before I ever ate them.
  • Nessi37
    Nessi37 Posts: 47 Member
    It is all up to you. Weightloss is about taking control of your habits and realizing you are the only one in control. I know how hard it is, my work has pizza parties all the time it seems, infact there is some in the fridge right now! Log the calories for 3 slices, once you see what it does to your diet you might be morivated to stop there. Think about why you want to lose, weight, is that one slice going to benifit you more then losing a couple pounds. The answer is it will not! No food will taste as good as weight loss feels.

    That is an excellent idea! I see myself using that in the near future :0)