Learning How To Lose Again.

Hello Everyone,

This is my second stint using MYFP. I had great success using it last time, but I never utilized this side of the experience. Why am I here? I used to be a 200lb fit Airmen who had boundless energy. This was four years ago. I am now thirty overweight and in dire need to shake this weight problem so I can be more active with my one-year-old that is currently tearing up the house. Any insight, motivation, or just having someone share their battle would help greatly to galvanize my resolve as I try to reclaim a healthy lifestyle.


  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    I’m also on my second run. Did great. Stopped when I was pregnant and now chasing a wild 5 year old.
  • awildwomanatheart
    awildwomanatheart Posts: 89 Member
    My best advice and something I'm sure you already know, is that getting healthy is not a sprint, its a marathon. Just be patient and kind to yourself, and keep moving forward. Don't dwell too long in the not so great moments, they happen. Personally in regards to a plan, I've chosen to stick to nothing but water, protein, veggies, and sometimes fruit. I keep my carbs low. I started out on a Keto diet, but now 4 months in, I've found better success limiting myself in a more sustainable way. I try to exercise at least 30min a day, mostly at home, but now into my 4th month I've lost 42lbs so far. So it's working for me. You can do it, you've done it before. Wishing you all the best!
  • Joster91
    Joster91 Posts: 22 Member
    Second times the charm? Good luck, I'm sure chasing around the little one will get you a lot of the exercise you need, hahaha
    BEARDEDTRUTH Posts: 5 Member
    I appreciate you guys taking the time out of your day to share some advice or encouragement. I wish everyone the best on this journey!! I'll be here to add some encouragement or motivation when you feel overwhelmed by the process that is weight loss.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    I just lost 35lb in 12 weeks exactly using this app. Yes, I have a lot more than you to lose but then I was a food addict so changing my habits was way harder than it will be for you.

    Plus you have your son which must be a huge motivation.

    Set your daily calories, weigh and log everything, be very consistent and you'll hit that target in no time