Hi there

Hello everyone. I’m back though no one would ever know that because in the past I’ve never gone the extra step of inquiring about support or trying to make friends with others who share the same goals as myself. So, fresh start this time because I think I’m finally ready to do this.

My name is Sarah and I have a weight problem. I’ve been overweight for as long as I can remember and it’s affected me my entire life but most recently it’s started effecting my way of life and I’m not okay with that. I have a daughter who is going to be one in a week and I don’t want her growing up with a fat mommy. I want to teach her that eating healthy and exercise is important but how can I do that if I don’t set the example for her?

I have many negative triggers in my life that have always set me back when I’ve tried to diet. My husband drinks so much soda and eats fast food and other unhealthy options ALL of the time and typically I just go with the flow because it’s easy and convenient. He is not very supportive of me trying to lose weight but maybe my expectations are unrealistic.

Anyway - this time I am turning to all of you for support. I’m motivated by challenges and I want to make friends who want to lose weight and will set a good example and encouraging environment for me to do the same thing.

Thanks for listening.


  • Barfly57
    Barfly57 Posts: 333 Member
    I don't think there are any expectations that are unrealistic, if you give yourself enough time to achieve them.
  • nickykeleher
    nickykeleher Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm back trying to lose weight again as well. Sounds like we have the same husband lol my hubby wants to be supportive but never wants to eat healthy. We basically eat seperate meals. I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant with my daughter. Feel free to add me!