Is it too much nuts and seeds ? Rate my meal plan.



  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    pretty much sure you saying you don't need any more variety in your diet, indicates that you are ok with what you have planned and don't want to change...

    it sounds dull, boring, lacking in carbs - i'm going to assume you are doing keto diet or similar? since your rough daily intake based on this is 207g fat (1863cal); 131g protein (524cal); 49g carb (196cal) - plus whatever is in your salad mix...

    Yes I am ok with my plan and It doesn't mean that I won't change it. And there is a difference between saying like "I don't have a reason" and "I don't need ". If I have no reason you might give me a reason or advice to have one. If I see a better thing to replace or add I can modify It and that is why I decided to start a discussion. Yes those are my macros and I did say that I was in a ketogenic diet.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Looks boring...I would rate it boring

    Thanks. I choose to make it boring :smile:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    The word unsustainable comes to mind. To each their own, but much as I tend to keep my food simple most of the time, I couldn't do it. I would miss my vegetables and my chicken too much.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Mmmm, smoothie!
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Selective eating disorder and/or orthorexia, whether through picky eating or laziness, are still classified as eating disorders.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    Selective eating disorder and/or orthorexia, whether through picky eating or laziness, are still classified as eating disorders.

    I just look up what orthorexia is and it says "a person with orthorexia wants to feel pure, healthy and natural" and It also says "An orthorexic may avoid numerous foods, including those made with:Artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, Pesticides or genetic modification, Other ingredients considered to be unhealthy" I don't see any reason to be orthorexic except being extreme. I select my food before I eat and I do picky eat and I am lazy but I do not consider myself to have eating disorder and I do these things because I have a brain.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    not considering yourself to have an eating disorder doesn't mean you don't have fact, i would hypothesize that that is a indicator that should be considered - you don't see what you eating as unnecessarily restrictive
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    edited October 2017
    not considering yourself to have an eating disorder doesn't mean you don't have fact, i would hypothesize that that is a indicator that should be considered - you don't see what you eating as unnecessarily restrictive

    So selecting your food before eating and expecting clean and healthy food is a disorder for your considerations. I think I do not have to say anything then.

  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    i select my food before eating...but i don't limit myself to essentially nuts and eggs with salad...i eat a variety of foods that provide a well-rounded diet (and yes that includes cookies and candy if it fits my macros for the day)

    define clean food? define healthy? because they are typically undefinable as everyone has a different perception of what they are?
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    oss33 wrote: »
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.

    You've eaten that same food every single day for 6 months? Every.Single.Day????? If you have, then you really do need to seek help, that is simply not normal. Do you never go out for a meal with friends? Have a bit of cake? Gosh that sounds utterly miserable and would indicate you have some problems to deal with.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    There is a big difference between simply not being interested in food and being overly obsessed with nutrients. I know a few people like who only eat because they have to, no negative associations or faulty relationship with food, they are just naturally less interested in it and don't care about the type or the variety of food they eat. I assumed this was the case for you where you got heavier than you would rather be from being naturally uninterested in food and grabbing whatever is easiest to reach for to stop being hungry which is why I supported your position with very little judgement to just want to lose the weight with as little thought as possible put into food without completely sacrificing your health. Being overly obsessed with nutrients, pesticides, and whatnot is the opposite of healthy. It creates unnecessary stress on the body, mind, and social relations, all of which are integral to health.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.

    You've eaten that same food every single day for 6 months? Every.Single.Day????? If you have, then you really do need to seek help, that is simply not normal. Do you never go out for a meal with friends? Have a bit of cake? Gosh that sounds utterly miserable and would indicate you have some problems to deal with.

    Yes I have been eating same food everyday for 6 months and will but It doesn't mean that I didn't add different veggies or fruits someday. So do you think you despise me for saying that I have problems to solve ? It is just a dumb manipulation that only children do. And if you search you will see that I am not the only person who eats same thing every day including athletes and celebs, Do you want to know why It is same ? Because I have a balanced healthy diet, I can keep my calories balanced, I do not think in the evening what to cook and eat after the busy day as you do, I do not have sugar crush or food cravings in the middle of my day. No, I do not eat bit of cake because It is a garbage and I have one life and one body to live. Do you want to know who is miserable one ? It is the one who can't control himself/herself and be slave to his/her lust.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    There is a big difference between simply not being interested in food and being overly obsessed with nutrients. I know a few people like who only eat because they have to, no negative associations or faulty relationship with food, they are just naturally less interested in it and don't care about the type or the variety of food they eat. I assumed this was the case for you where you got heavier than you would rather be from being naturally uninterested in food and grabbing whatever is easiest to reach for to stop being hungry which is why I supported your position with very little judgement to just want to lose the weight with as little thought as possible put into food without completely sacrificing your health. Being overly obsessed with nutrients, pesticides, and whatnot is the opposite of healthy. It creates unnecessary stress on the body, mind, and social relations, all of which are integral to health.

    No, I am not who you think I am. My goal is not losing weight or putting something to my mouth to stop my hunger. I just use my balanced diet to stay healthy and losing fat is one benefit . And I am not overly obsessed of anything I just select my food before eat which what people should do. And I didn't say that I am not interested in food either I just said my food does't have to be delicious. Does that mean to you I don't like foods ?
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    oss33 wrote: »
    i select my food before eating...but i don't limit myself to essentially nuts and eggs with salad...i eat a variety of foods that provide a well-rounded diet (and yes that includes cookies and candy if it fits my macros for the day)

    define clean food? define healthy? because they are typically undefinable as everyone has a different perception of what they are?

    Yes we can define what is healthy and what is not. Can you categorize fast food as healthy food ? No, because it is not. If the plant was grown with pesticides then it is not a clean or healthy because it is contaminated by chemicals. Sugar ! you have to have 20 cups of sugar beets to extract 1 cup of sugar. Is it the natural way of eating ? Can you eat 20 pounds of sugar beets in one sitting ? Of course not but you are eating same amount of sugar as you eat 20 pounds of sugar beets has and without the beets vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber which makes your body absorb sugar slowly and safely ? No. If you consider these things as healthy you need to educate yourself.

    Being a "clean eater" made me the unhealthiest I have ever been in my life, both physically and mentally.

    There is more to health than what you put in your mouth.

    Variety in a diet is important for micronutritional adequacy.

    We don't know how extreme you were. I do eat variety of fruits and veggies. I do know the importance of micronutrients.
  • oss33
    oss33 Posts: 19 Member
    Is there a language barrier? "Is X amount of Y food too much?" and "rate my meal plan" are generally invitations for opinions, not to tell others how superior one's meal plan is.

    I am, like the others, worried about the deep incongruity between seemingly no interest in food, taste and eating, and the obsession with nutrients and "chemicals". Your knowledge is based on fear, tidbits, myths. Good health goes way beyond a healthy diet (not to say your diet is healthy in the first place). Google "nutritionism".

    I do train and cardio couple of days and do yoga but I don't think we talk about "Good Health" or "Is being healthy all about diet nothing else". Yes everything is created from some chemicals and I do think what I eat as pills and I expected someone to say something like you may add or remove this with a logical explanation. I do have variety but all you say is variety is good and you are obsessive. Saying "average is always better" doesn't mean anything. I do know about nutrition thanks for your advice.