If You Want To Win-- You Need To Keep Score


I started a diet on May 18th of this year because I had put on 100 pounds since my daughter was born, 14 years ago.

I was too lazy to exercise so I figured I would just do it with diet (I ate WAY too much bread/rice/pasta/potatoes).

I got off to a quick start but when things started to slow someone told me about MFP and I am not exaggerating when I say that myfitnesspal.com TURNED OUT TO BE THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS.

Instead of just "trying to do better" (the way I *was* doing it) I started logging everything that went into my mouth. I love to cook and I prefer to cook from scratch-- so it wasn't too difficult to change up my recipes to be healthier once I saw how many calories were in them in my daily diary.

Here's the cool part:

Once I changed my eating habits and was eating well balanced, nutritious meals every day-- I wanted to make my "score" on MFP even BETTER.

So I started exercising and adding it into my daily diary-- and I got CREDIT for it!

I could eat MORE, if I wanted!

So I started exercising even more. And then the weight REALLY started coming off. Interestingly, I found that I wasn't as hungry when I exercised more-- so I ended up not eating my bonus "exercise calories" after all.

I LOVED keeping score and I loved seeing the feedback that I WAS WINNING!

For the first time in my life, *I* controlled food instead of the other way around.

My 30 minutes of exercise per day is now usually 1 hour-- or 2.

I go to 3 Zumba classes per week-- and love it! I ride my bicycle to the grocery store, the post office, the bank, my job-- and I ride my stationary bike when I get home.

I am proud to say that I've lost MORE of my weight from exercise than from reduced eating.

If I go over my calorie budget for the day I put my big ol' butt on the stationary bike until I earn enough calories to finish the day "in the green."

I almost *never* finish in the red, that way.

The phone app is wonderful-- although I wish it had the social networking piece integrated into it.

I've gotten my friends to start using MFP and I've met others, here-- and it's wonderful to be able to encourage each other.

It has now been 10 weeks and I have lost 41 pounds (80 to go). My cheekbones are back and (nice looking!) men have been approaching me on a regular basis. (I'm in a committed relationship-- but it's still nice to be pursued.)

As the title of this post says-- if you want to win, you need to keep score.

MFP is my scoreboard and it is my primary motivating force to stay true to what has now become a new lifestyle for me. I was once lazy-- and now love exercise. When I check into a hotel the first place I look for is the fitness center. When I was on vacation I did aerobics in the swimming pool for 30-60 minutes each day.

I now find that I *need* exercise in order for my day to feel complete.

And I love the fact that by eating the right foods I can eat whenever I'm hungry and not go over my calorie budget. I have not been hungry on this diet even ONCE! I have found filling, tasty foods that satisfy my taste buds without having lots of calories.

I even eat PIZZA, now that I've been using the cauliflower crust that has been written about extensively here on MFP.

The only thing I miss is fried chicken gizzards-- but I can live without them if I have to.

BOTTOM LINE: be faithful to your diary. Keep score. Be competitive with yourself and try to improve your score. The grand prize is-- a healthier you! You can win!


  • imprimez
    imprimez Posts: 36
  • CassandreNoreen
    CassandreNoreen Posts: 158 Member
    This is very inspirational to those of us who are just starting out. Way to go with your journey so far!

    I find myself in the same boat. I love the fact that if I workout, I see the number of calories I can intake increase, and I'll also get my butt moving so that I don't finish in the red.

    MFP is exactly the tool I needed to get myself motivated. I'm actually doing it, instead of talking about doing it, or half-a**ing it.
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    Well done! My phone isn't smart enough for the app but I'm doing my best to log every day. Even if I go into the red, keeping a log keeps me honest!
  • Thank you for your motivation. This is what I needed to hear. I fell off the diet wagon for a month now. :(
  • I agree! I have never found an app or program that was free and sooooo easy to use. It's been an answer to my prayers too!:flowerforyou:
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    That is great. I tried other places like Sparkpeople but the people there weren't friendly and I think that is what is helping me here, also seeing that you can eat more if you exercise. This is a great place. Congratulations.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    What a great post, and a great way to look at what you are doing. You are doing great, and have a very stong attitude also. I like the scoreboard!
  • thanks so much for posting this - MFP is a great place for motivation and support; and like you I am slowly changing my eating habits and building up my exercise programme. xxx
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    so very well written! great job and keep after it. going to make it my new goal to have only three red days the rest of the month. I am sure they will all fall on the weekend, but try to keep it at only 3!!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I wish I could hug you through the computer!!! You are awesome! You give me inspiration! Thanks and keep up the good work!
  • Very inspirational! I love the topic header....those are words to live by.