Cheat Day

edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been reading that one cheat day a week is really good for you to boost your body. Does anyone do cheat days once a week?


  • I have been reading that one cheat day a week is really good for you to boost your body. Does anyone do cheat days once a week?
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    i had my first cheat night last night it was yummy but afterwards i felt really guility came home walked for an hour got back up this am walked another half hour so i dunno. Looking forward to hearing others...
  • I think a cheat day once a week could be a good thing, especially if your daily diet has been greatly restricted. However, I believe that a cheat day can be something as simple as grabbing a veggie burrito from chipolte or a dark mocha from the cafe. After all don't want to undo all that hard work with say a bucket of chicken from Bojangles or KFC. lol:happy: just my own thoughts

  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I do one cheat meal instead. It's usually happy hour/bar food on Friday nights. Or pizza...
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    I do 1 free meal a week, if I even do that. Sometimes I don't do any free meals at all. But I never do a whole day, just one meal. Even when I do a free meal, I still try to stay within a reasonable amount of my calories and not go too far over for the day, but that's just me.
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    I agree that a cheat meal is better. You can only do so much damadge in one meal...but in a whole day you can really eat a ton! Sometimes I do an intense workout and eat my exercise calories with naughty foods (chips, pizza, candy, etc) so I feel like I cheated...but I am still okay on calories.

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    glad to hear everyones replies i had my first one last night over 37 calories. So not super bad considering i havent been eating enough calories which ive heard is not good either...
  • 37 calories over - hardly "cheating". I think we need to stay reasonable otherwise we'll never be able to sustain it. I love my red wine and often use my exercise calories to indulge my "indulgence" but -its probably not the best tactis since our bodies like to absorbe the alcohol before the food.
  • cbrooks66
    cbrooks66 Posts: 65 Member
    Try twice a week! :) Trying to control this to just once a week, but seem to slip in something I'm not suppose to eat...
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I typically do a cheat day on the weekends. I do still try to eat well all day since I have gotten pretty good about eyeballing serving sizes and such. But typically a cheat day for me is not logging food.....I am pretty addicted to it most days, but one day a week it is nice to just grab something out of the cupboard and not count out a serving and stopping to log it. Then at dinner I eat what I want and don't log it. I try not to go overboard, like eating really bad stuff, but I eat something that I want that I probably would stay away from when logging calories and I just enjoy my meal.

    As long as it's only one cheat day, and especially if I have worked out that day, I find that I can still lose weight that week. Especially if I have been plateauing, sometimes the cheat day can jump start the weight loss, I'm not really sure why though.
  • I have just read in my mens healh magizine that cheat days do increase your metabolism, however it does not increase it enough to burn all of the extra calories consumed. If I were you I would try to cheat once every two weeks or once a month. When I want to cheat I try to do more cardio that way I dont feel as bad.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I dont do cheat days I just eat in moderation and account for all my calories,carbs,sodium etc....and excercise accordingly...
  • jazpiri
    jazpiri Posts: 114 Member
    I think maybe a cheat meal is better than a cheat day. When I've given myself cheat days in the past I use it as an excuse to go crazy all day and then I don't feel very good. So, I've found that a cheat meal is better. When I know I'm going to go out with friends in the evening I eat healthy all day and try to eat mostly vegetables and fruits and lean protein so that when we go out I don't have to worry.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I agree that a cheat meal is better. You can only do so much damadge in one meal...but in a whole day you can really eat a ton! Sometimes I do an intense workout and eat my exercise calories with naughty foods (chips, pizza, candy, etc) so I feel like I cheated...but I am still okay on calories.

    Good luck! :drinker:

    I do this too! On monday nights I swim laps for an hour, which gives me 600-700 calories depending on my workout. If I am craving chips, or candy, or even a burger or something I usually save it for this night.
  • hfsmk
    hfsmk Posts: 4 Member
    I usually have one to two cheat meals a week. If I didn't, I probably lose my mind and would never see my friends. :) Usually it is a meal out with friends or happy hour. I always see a gain the next day, but I don't sweat it. It's mostly due to sodium and is off in a day or two.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I have been trying to limit it to "cheat occasions". I seem to have something big happening once a month to twice a month, so I save up for those. For instance, Superbowl Sunday - cheat. Yesterday, my son's birthday party - cheat. The neat thing is that I seem to be controlling it better so I don't use it as an excuse to 1) throw caution to the wind and eat everything in sight and 2) the next day I seem to be doing better at getting back on track. I also have been making sure I do a really hard workout on the day I am going to cheat.

    Ya gotta live - just plan ahead! :wink:
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