Let's be accountability partners, eh?



  • soundypurple3
    soundypurple3 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love to. I have a 100 pounds to lose
  • memegirl77
    memegirl77 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome, in South Carolina here.

    Where in SC are you?
  • memegirl77
    memegirl77 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in Northeast Georgia. I hope to lose 50 pounds.
  • rmrbnch
    rmrbnch Posts: 3 Member
    Southwest AL here. Count me in! :)
    I've used MFP off/on for years. Had a 200 day streak going and fell of the wagon.. trying to get going again. Maybe we could start a group on here so we could all check in and may be a lil easier to keep up with and encourage each other?
  • okjimmied
    okjimmied Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2017
    Okie here. Lived in Savannah once upon a time. Starting over today. Happy to be accountable to some new friends.
  • Meggan_Adele
    Meggan_Adele Posts: 18 Member
    Hey everyone-- I didn't see how many responses there were until now! This is awesome, and looks like we have a great group of motivated people. Let's help hold each other accountable. I sure could have used some of you Saturday night when I convinced myself it was okay to have a big bowl of ice cream! Oops!!

    How are you all doing? I logged my first loss! Hoping I can keep it going. Send up updates!

    I'll go through and add those who are interested, thanks!
  • rmrbnch
    rmrbnch Posts: 3 Member
    Way to go on logging the lost!! That's always a great feeling! And you did that WITH that big bowl of ice cream you had Saturday night! Goes to show you that one ,what we see as a, mistake, didn't ruin your progress... you just got to keep going! Proud of you! I just finished a bowl of cereal instead of the protein shake I planned on having for breakfast and I'd LOVE to say that it was Kashi or something healthy, but it was Captain Crunch berries
  • wifey826
    wifey826 Posts: 26 Member
    edited October 2017
    I'd be happy to connect as well! I've lost 40 pounds so far, with an overall goal of around 80. So just about half way there. I'm a daily logger, and I also "like" regularly and comment semi-regularly. Please feel free to add me and let's support each other! Oh, I'm also from Kansas! Happy logging! :)
  • butterflylily22
    butterflylily22 Posts: 4 Member
    One thing i have learned from WW is that one meal or one day of "bad" (calorie rich) food doesn't mess up your progress. It is what you do after that. So a cheat meal or a cheat day is not the end of the world. Everything can be eaten in moderation. The only time you can't have something is when you have no control of it and it tails spin out of control. And well i am definitely here for support, so feel free to reach out if you can't control it cause i will:

  • Meggan_Adele
    Meggan_Adele Posts: 18 Member
    LOL Love that gif @butterflylily22
    I liked that about WW too! It also looked at the whole week which helped me. I think it's important to treat ourselves along the journey, but I definitely overdid it with the ice cream. I had Halo Top in my freezer and my fiance was eating this awesome Ben & Jerry's and I just couldn't say no!! It's not the end of the world!