Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • SilverRoses42
    SilverRoses42 Posts: 10 Member
    Definitely joining
    Starting Weight: 122
    Goal: 115

    8 pounds to go!!:smile:
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm in....Starting weight today 195 lbs. (8-2-11)
    Goal weight for August 190 ( - 5 lb. loss )
    Month goal - to start a running program and to stay on track while on vacation next week !!

    Anyone wanting to add friends I'm available :bigsmile:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    My day one went well. Drank less water than I hope, only about 40 oz. Its my biggest downfall. But I did stay under my calories and hit the gym.

    We are going out with friends for dinner tonight so it will be a challenge to find a healthy choice.

    Sounds like a good day 1; water is my biggest downfall as well. I am trying to intake the majority early in the day to get it over with. I truly just dont enjoy it :frown: Have fun tonight! Try to plan ahead; you will be so happy with yourself afterwards! Heres to us drinking plenty of water today :drinker:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :flowerforyou: hey all day went well...stay below calories, drank the water, logged all....and the new one for me is stay under 75g of carbs didnt quite get there(143g i think) but from over 200g i'll take it....will be watching that closing ....good luck to all:flowerforyou:
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    Day one went well for me also. I did Day 1 Level 1 of the 30 DS, and I am convinced that Jillian Michaels is the Spawn of Satan...I actually logged my exercise that way. Bit disappointed that I only burned 278 by my HRM. I am going to have to look into walking a mile or 2 before doing the shred in the evenings.

    I also did not have any soda last night. :happy: That was a big one for me. I had cut down to 1/day, but having trouble dropping the last one.

    Hope everyone has a good 2nd day!
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    Day 1 was just fine. I'm waterlogged (TOM) so the scale has been disappointing me. To combat my negative mood, I biked 10 miles before work, then ran intervals for 40 minutes at lunch. I felt great all day, chowed on my 5 small meals, then didn't have to feel guilty when I shared training food at Olive Garden! :o) (that's my night job :o) )

    low and behold, I wake up this am 4.6 lbs lighter than yesterday. yes I weigh daily. It works for me. ;)

    Can't wait to see what the rest of the week is like! xoxo
  • vjohnso3
    vjohnso3 Posts: 34 Member
    I was a little disappointed in my first day because of my fruit/veggie intake. I'm aiming for 5+ servings of each (particularly 2 servings of fruit and 3 of vegetables if possible) but I only ended up with 2 fruit and 1 vegetable. I didn't decide on my goals until mid afternoon yesterday so I'm hoping that I'll be able to focus on getting some in in the morning and at lunch to help out today. Anyone have any good suggestions for how to increase fruit & veggies without upping your calories a lot?
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I did well yesterday considering I'm getting over kidney stones :ohwell: I stayed under my calorie goal even though I didn't exercise which is a big deal for me!! Today I am feeling much better, I have already drank 6 of my 10 cups of water and have done 40 minutes of cardio on my stationary bike!!! GOOD LUCK everyone with sticking to your goals!!! :flowerforyou:
  • NoemiPE
    NoemiPE Posts: 6 Member
    My road bike was stolen yesterday so no lunch ride yesterday. However, due to a busy morning I missed breakfast and was able to stay under my calorie goal for the day. I will be riding my mountain bike now, which I was hoping to avoid since I broke my collar bone falling off of it 6 weeks ago.

    Putting everything behind me now & staying focussed on my goals.
  • tweatherford11
    tweatherford11 Posts: 18 Member
    This will be my first team challenge I've been a part of - looking forward to the support!

    SW: 262.8
    GW: 255
    Personal Goal: To go 10 minutes on the elliptical (only at 5 right now)!
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Wow, sounds like most of us had a great day yesterday! :)

    Noemi, so sorry to hear that your bike was stolen. That is awful! If you don't mind me asking, how do you ride a bike with a broken collarbone? Do you just ride it one handed? You must be very coordinated, I would fall for sure!!!

    vjohnso - I find that fruits and veggies (particularly veggies) by themselves DON'T up your calorie count by much at all. Like, I think a cup of steamed broccoli is only like 30 calories, a cup of raw baby carrots is 30 calories, et cetera. You can eat a small salad (before salad dressing) for like 50 calories (and I love those Salad Dressing Spritzers that are only 1 calorie per spray). A lot of veggie soups (as long as they don't have a cream base) are also extremely low cal.

    As for me - Had a good day yesterday. I stayed within my calorie range, went for 3 20 minute walks on my breaks and lunch at work, and then did about 40 mins on the exercise bike after work. I had some extra calories from all of that cardio, so I splurged and had a kids scoop of ice cream at Baskin Robbins (my hubby looooooves ice cream and is always trying to get me to go pick some up for us.) Even with the ice cream I was under my calorie goal, so I felt fine about it.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I was actually down a little too and got in some good exercise. Good job everyone!
  • ansy96
    ansy96 Posts: 55
    hi everyone
    i just wanted to say hello and join you
    PG: Workout every day and burn at least 500 calories :)
  • mkandrew
    SW: 204
    August GW: Under 200!
    Personal Goals - track diet everyday, exercise more, be nice to myself!

    Vacation starts 8/21 so this is going to be tough!
  • brick0814
    brick0814 Posts: 5 Member
    SW 260.4
    August GW: 250
    Personal Goals: Exercise Daily for at least 45mins.
    Thanks for starting the group!
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    I need all the support and motivation I can get. I had a baby 8 weeks ago and I am ready to start loosing weight. Ive already lost 27lbs since I gave birth but I still need to loose more.

    SW as of 08/01: 193
    Goal for Aug: 180
    Self-Challenge: Workout everyday and eat well...stay away from the donuts and cookies!!!
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing good so far! Yay for us! Yesterday, I did my workout with EA Sports Active and today my triceps are sore. The first two days I did my EA workout, my thighs were sore, now with Day 3 on the program, my legs are fine so my arms are going to start hurting! I think I have today programmed as a rest day on it, but I always do SOMETHING on my rest days. I may do some pilates or something. I can't truly "rest"... it's too hard to get myself to workout the following day! I will let you all know tomorrow what I ended up doing today.

    My water intake is good. I have kept myself to one Sprite Zero per day, so other than that, I'm only drinking water... well, and a little skim milk each morning with breakfast.

    Since Friday (July 29), I have lost 3.6 lbs. I am down to 224.2 now. My goal is to reach 219 by September 1st. :-)

    Keep up the awesome work everyone! And remember, if you have an "off day", just start again tomorrow. Don't let one day ruin the entire month! :-)

    I forgot to mention in my original post, but with the weigh ins, you can weigh in on your normal weigh in days. My days are Fridays for my "official weight", but I weigh every day just to keep myself on track.
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Forgot to mention that I am so full of energy and determination that I had a great 1st day!!! I did 30 min on treadmill and 30 on eliptical!! Plus I stayed within my calories.

    Today I did 50 min on the treadmill and danced for 30 min.

    Does anyone do the Zumba..have been thinking about buying it.

    My downfall.....I dont drink enough water. I need to go fill my cup now..
  • LeonaWFU98
    LeonaWFU98 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow - everyone is doing such a great job :) Yaaaaay!

    I did a good job with my goals for this week - tracking and water intake. I know it's only day one, but hey, I'll celebrate every little victory along the way ;)

    Keep it up, everyone!
  • Bobble2610
    Woo hoo! Did my EA Active Day 2... and all I can say is... "OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!"

    My legs are agony -They'll be sore in the morning, and I have a 2 hour drive ahead of me at silly o'clock...

    Guess I better turn in for the night and get some sleep...

    Well done everyone that's posted so far. Looks like we're all starting something that we can keep at :o)