Time to find that glorious figure I had before 5 kids!

:laugh: Hi! I was so excited to find MFP! I am a stay at home mom to five kids, 9,6,5,17 months and 6 weeks and a wonderful husband! I have lost weight after each pregnancy, but this last one is kicking my tail! I know that I need to do better at watching what I am eating and change my habits after being pregnant, but I am having a hard time actually starting. My life is pretty chaotic from 5 am until 11 pm, and I am trying hard to fit a workout in, but my two youngest aren't napping at the same time yet, always leaving me with a little one in my arms or at my heels! I know that it has only been 6 weeks, but I don't want my bad habits to continue any longer and be harder to change!

I am so excited to meet new friends here and have the wonderful support system! I have never tried to lose weight while I was nursing before, so if anyone has any advice, I would love the help!!!


  • jenireed
    Hi - I am also a SAHM - I have 2. Can't imagine how you do anything with FIVE!!! Feel free to add me. I am new also.
  • IslandGirl072906
    IslandGirl072906 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! You are me about 10 years ago. I'm 42 and have 4 kids ages 20, 16, 14 and 10 (and 2 stepsons age 17). I remember getting on the treadmill shortly after having my last baby. I was still nursing at the time too. I remember that I would get on the treadmill when I put the baby down for a nap in her cradle. However, I didn't have another one quite as young as your next in line. But at some point I did go on a plan (probably after nursing) and I lost 20 pounds and was so happy getting down to 115. Which over the years, gradually went back up...and then back down...and here I am again wanting to lose at least 10 pounds - maybe more.

    I've only been on MFP for 10 days but the calorie tracker has been SOOO helpful and I've been more motivated than before to exercise (almost daily!).
