I'm just starting a 10 day reboot of the green juice diet. I'm only on day two and day one was really tough. After watching the documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead I was inspired to detox my body and fill it with healthy nutrients. I was wondering if anyone else on here is doing or has done this. What are or were your experiences with it? I feel great I have energy and feel full but my mind keeps telling me I need a steak. LOL.


  • ckjohnson0820
    How do you do it?
  • CynGetsThin
    Best of luck. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Question: What juicer are you using? I'm looking for a juicer that costs no more than $50. I've been looking at Black and Decker one at Walmart that's $29 before tax. Any advice?

  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    tell me how it goes! Hubs and I watched that last night and went out today to buy a juicer...not ready to commit to a full juice fast but will be replacing breakfast for both the hubs and I with a green juice!
  • katieherringshaw
    I couldn't eat just Green Juice for 10 days- especially with kids. I think that sonds like Tracey Anderson. I woudln't recommend this approach. Just drink lots of water. :) Your body is going to go into shock after just drinking juice for 10 days. It might look good at first, but it's not going to last. Most people who have problems losing weight have a big issue with slow metabolism. Drinking just juice for 10 days is going to make your metabolism SLOW down and that means when you start eating REAL food again you will have an even more sluggish metablism that you started with. Cleanses get read of processed waste in your body (POOP, PEE). Believe it or not that stuff is just going to come back again- and it'll probably be slower in the number 2 department.
  • Imbiutiful
    I am curious as well
  • leeanndelcourt
    leeanndelcourt Posts: 28 Member
    Hey There,
    I've never actually heard of the green juice diet. I would encourage you to get a great nutrition supplement.....some kind of shake, that is not artificial and has no fillers....all real, natural ingredients....and substitute that for one meal a day......for the other 2 meals plus a snack or two choose healthy, real food. The juice diets might take off weight quickly but as soon as you start eating again you will gain weight, how torturous is it to NOT EAT?! :) If you are consuming only one type of juice for 10 days straight you are definitely not getting all the nutrients, micro nutrients, and nourishment your whole body needs. It is so important to eat real, healthy, living food and a lot of different varieties and colors to ensure proper fuel for our bodies and minds.
    Start eating healthy today. Learn to enjoy good, healthy food and don't feel like you have to starve yourself to get healthy. Feel free to friend me on here.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I did the raw food detox for a week. It was really hard since I like meat and cooked meals. On this thing you couldn't eat cooked anything. Only fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, and organic juices and milk. But after finishing the detox I lost all of my water weight in 6 days and could not eat cooked foods like I used to. It seems like after my body didn't eat all the processed, high sodium, greasy food for a week, it didn't want it ever again and gave me a major stomach ache when I gave in to temptation. It really helped me realize that I don't need all the stuff I used to eat (fast food, greasy burgers and fries, chips and such things).

    As a person who hated eating plain veggies and didn't eat that much fruit and had meat everyday, I'm surprised that I actually eat a lot more healthy stuff and little to no meat. AND when I do slip up, I can control myself much more.

    Hope this helps! :) Google it if you are interested! There's a bunch of raw foodists out there. I just can't continue being 100% raw but close to it as possible (70-80% right now).
  • ttrttrttr
    You make your own juice it doesn't come in a bottle. You juice fruits and vegtables and only drink those for 7 to 10 days. The idea being that fruits and veggies supply you with all the nutrients your body needs,only one to be aware of is protein is a little harder to find. Because your turning the nutrients into a liquid form it's easier for your body to absorb them and gives you energy right away. No feeling sluggish after your meal. You eliminate waste from all your macro-nutrient food, like meats, processed food and grains. There are levels you can do it in, you don't have to just drink juice. You can also just eat micro-nutrient food this is your veggies, fruits, seeds and legumes. Check out for more info and different levels. I am no expert and this is my first go around.
  • ttrttrttr
    Best of luck. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Question: What juicer are you using? I'm looking for a juicer that costs no more than $50. I've been looking at Black and Decker one at Walmart that's $29 before tax. Any advice?


    I thought about getting the black and decker one at first. Most of them are really expensive and I wasn't sure if I could really do it so why put in the cost. My line of thinking was I can drop thirty bucks on something stupid easy, if it's hard to clean or not very good I could put up with it for 10 days. At the end if I really felt I would use it enough I'd buy a better one. When I was researching them I found some of the things people most complained about was ease of cleaning, noise and amount of juice it produced. I ended up using my well timed birthday cash and getting a Breville for $220. The reviews on it were great and it is super easy to clean, very quite machine and I'm happy with how much juice I get. I love the flavors of the juices I've made and I do know when I'm done with this fast I will be using it for at least one meal a day. Hope that helps
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Can you do this using Bolthouse smoothies and juices that are already made?