Looking for some Keto Friends!



  • neonbon
    neonbon Posts: 14 Member
    Add me!
  • myzzfit
    myzzfit Posts: 22 Member
    Everyone please feel free to add me! Looking to share ideas, tips, recipes, and successes!
  • India411
    India411 Posts: 20 Member
    That's awesome success! Good for you!! I've been on for a few wks and down about 7...took a bit to get hang of it but well on my way. Trying not to step on scale as it's discouraged me...feel like ive lost more just by my face and how I feel when I walk. I'm 4'11 and 138 down from 144 and 149 at highest not counting preggo weight which reached 165..urgh. So add me! Would love to do as part of a group!