17 Day Diet

Saw the guy who wrote the 17 Day Diet book on The Doctors today....has anybody tried it? Does it work??


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    A lot of us here wouldn't know. We're too busy enjoying the successes of not dieting.... I suggest you try it, and avoid anything with the word "diet" in the title especially if people are actively marketing it....
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I've been curious about this too.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    A lot of us here wouldn't know. We're too busy enjoying the successes of not dieting.... I suggest you try it, and avoid anything with the word "diet" in the title especially if people are actively marketing it....

    Hey, be nice?

    OP: There are threads about it, if you search!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I'm sure there are threads about it, but I'll tell you I've lost 71 lbs in a year (next week anyhow) and have not dieted at all. So don't feel like you NEED a gimmick, just measure your food and watch calories and portion sizes and you'll lose weight.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    A lot of us here wouldn't know. We're too busy enjoying the successes of not dieting.... I suggest you try it, and avoid anything with the word "diet" in the title especially if people are actively marketing it....

    Hey, be nice?

    Thank you.
  • It is all about eating healthy and riding your body of toxins, sugars, etc. Basically eatting from the earth. My daughter and I just tarted and really like it. It does not feel like a diet. There is a website and a book. I recommend it.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I tried it. Even though it is a "fad diet," you're really just cutting out carbs developing healthier eating habits. I lost 12lbs in 21 days (then stopped, and started counting calories again). So far I've kept it off and I still use a lot of ideas I learned from the diet!
  • Kristinapedia
    Kristinapedia Posts: 73 Member
    I have the e-book I'm going to check it out. I already lost 27 lbs. If I could lose another 15 ASAP (and I'd be happy w/ losing 15 lbs in 25 days), I'd be onnnnnnnnnnnnnnne happy camper! ;)
  • I'm not really a fan of fad diets as they only work temporarily and then the weight will be easily regained back once you stop the diet. And most of the weight loss there are water and lean muscle but not fat. I've been to different types of diets before but that only lead me to yo-yo dieting.

    The fact is that no matter what type of diet we do, at the end of the day it all boils down to one single word: CALORIES
  • karenmari
    karenmari Posts: 2 Member
    I started it last Monday, am down 8 lbs from that day. It is very healthy, lots of lean protein, veggies, lower sugar fruits and no processed stuff at all. I cut out coffee as well since I couldn't have cream and sugar on it. I feel great, I needed to detox and this is working. It's a diet in that it teaches you how to eat properly, but very much a lifestyle by the time you get to the fourth 17 day cycle. My friend is 52 years old and has lost 70 lbs. on it since Jan. She is my inspiration.. I know how hard she worked to do this and it is working for her. I know it will work for me as well. Read up on it and decide for yourself if it is what you need to kickstart yourself. I still track what I eat on the journal here, just for my own accountability.
  • lannheue23
    lannheue23 Posts: 24 Member
    I just wanted to know about it and if anybody has tried it...Thank you to the ppl who actually answered my question :smile:
  • DP70
    DP70 Posts: 2 Member
    I started it yesterday and I've done Cycle 1 before. As someone mentioned, its just a good guide to eating low carb, non processed food. I understand what different people are saying about "diets" but the fact is many of do better if we have some kind of mapped out plan such as this one.
  • saraii
    saraii Posts: 11 Member
    This book is whats started me on a healthy path to a new life style change
    The book really doesnt involve anything crazy, just tells you how we should already be eating.
    I will admit that i cant get past cycle 2, but with the help and guidance of the book it has helped me cut out alot
    of things. It has helped me to control my portions and just eat healthier and be more concious of what im eating.

    I think its a great book cuz it just guided me through everything. When I first started it was a hard first week cuz i
    Cut out everything bad, went cold turkey... that was hard. But i still love the theory behind it.