Just a quick question for taller people

I am 6'6" tall and I have been loosing weight steady for some time now and I take pictures at the beginning of every month. When i loon at them I know I have lost 10 to 15 pound but I cant really see a difference. I see other people on this site loosing the same amount and you can tell a world of difference. I don't know if it is because I am taller and have more weight distribution or because I am getting close to my goal. Dose any one else have this problem? thanks


  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    It's probably a combination of both things.
  • bakersduzin
    bakersduzin Posts: 60 Member
    It's definitely because you're taller. 10-15 lb weight loss would look like a lot more on someone who is a foot shorter than you. I'm on the tall side at 5'10" (for a woman anyways), and I have a cousin who is 5'1". She's only lost just over half of what I have, but it seems like you can really tell on her. On the flip side, it goes the other way - a 10 lb weight gain is more noticeable on a shorter person ;)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I'm not nearly as tall as you - 5'10" but, as a tall woman, I can say that it takes a LOT more weight loss (or gain) to show than on a woman of average (or short) stature.

    Good news - we carry heavy weight more evenly and, therefore, less noticeably.
    Bad news - we lose weight more evenly and, therefore, less noticeably.

    For me, I could tell some changes to my face afte 15-20 pounds.
    Other people started to notice after about 25 pounds.
    By 35 pounds, everyone noticed.
    At this point, I've shed nearly 100 pounds and look like a totally different person.

    Just be patient and realize that, with every positive food and fitness choice you make, you are getting healthier, which is ultimately more important than either the number on the scale or the reflection in the mirror, although both should improve over time.
  • amhl
    amhl Posts: 6
    I am 5' 10" and can pack on the weight and no one other than me notices.
    It is indeed because we are tall. While it is *nice* to not look the weight I am, I can certainly feel it.
    I also know that it will take much more to *look* like the weight has gone.
    No worries! :smile: Just go for healthy, and the rest will follow, and congrats on the weight that is gone!
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    Ditto what they said. :)
  • CoastieGMWife
    Its your height. Its both a blessing and a curse. Don't despare though, keep at it and people will begin to notice. I'm 5'11 and after losing 30 lbs, people are finally noticing.
  • zckprstn
    zckprstn Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks to everyone for there input. =)
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    hiya . .I'm 6 foot and have recently lost 20lbs (my ticker says 8 but I lost 12 with weight watchers before finding this site) and NOT ONE person has noticed yet!! But on the flip side when I told people I was close to 300lbs they wouldnt beleive me!! So I've decided on the whole I love being tall :)

    good luck :)