What is reallistic - where to start?

pandjw74 Posts: 1 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
Day 1... Not happy about where I am, but am going to try to change some bad habits. Mainly, that means eating too much and not exercising... The days when I could do that without it being a problem are long gone. It's discouraging to realize how long I will have to really work at this to get back to where I should be.

The dieting piece, although not something I love, is manageable - especially with the food tracker here. Where I'm lost is on the exercise piece. I'm completely out of shape, so where do I start? It needs to be enough to make a difference and build up my tolerance, but not so much that I quit before it's at all effective.

Any suggestions?


  • lets face it, exercise isn't really fun. I walk for 1/2 hour at 6:30am each week day before work. I walk with a neighbour because you can't back out of it when someone else is waiting for you.

    I also try to walk in my lunch break instead of taking the car.

    Even small things like park the furthest away from where you are going, or take the stairs instead of the life.

    Good luck
  • I don't know if its a great suggestion but exercising by walking first, walking the dog or in the morning with a friend helps. I know the feeling of discouragement, I am starting back up slowly and its hard because I was an athlete my whole life. I started by going swimming with my little brothers, or going for a hike or walk with the fiance after dinner. I recommend starting slow because I am one who tries to "Go big or go home" and end up failing.

    I believe if you set yourself up for 20 minutes of walking before dark or the treadmill it will help. After you reach that with out any hassle then move up from there.
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    I think that it depends on what you personally are interested in. Do you want to try your hand at running? If so, the Couch to 5K program is great for people that have never run before and want to get endurance.

    Have you considered joining a gym? I know that it seems expensive, but it depends on the gym. I personally was a lifetime member before I moved away for school, and I loved the classes that they taught. If you are someone who is social and likes varying exercises, classes might be right for you.

    Another option is to start with a workout video. Jillian Michaels has many of them, such as the 30DS (I did it and lost 9 inches in a month). It only takes 25 minutes and gives you a great workout. If not, there are many other DVDs if varying levels.

    Good luck and great job taking this step towards a healthier you!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Begin by doing something that will not strain your body, but will give you a good cardiovascular workout. Low-intensity workouts like walking, swimming, or even bike riding are great to start. You'll get your heart and muscles used to moving. As those exercises get easier and the weight begins to come off, you can increase the intensity.

    Congratulations on taking this first, courageous step!
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I started with the "30 Day Shred" DVD. I was NOT an exerciser before that, at all. I liked it because I could do it in my own living room, and it only takes 20 minutes. And it whipped me into better shape and (more importantly) got me motivated to do other things. Feel free to add me as a friend! I find that seeing other people's daily activity really inspires me. Good luck! x
  • start with walking and build up
  • I think the most important thing is to start small - don't overdo anything or else you'll have a tough time sticking to it and (since you said you were out of shape) you could injure yourself. Walking is a great place to start. Is there anything that you do such as swimming?
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I started on the elliptical at the gym until my tolerance built up slowly. Then I started to incorporate more like...weights, running, spinning etc. Just do something...you wont regret it!! You may hate it at first but once you get better you will enjoy it (I think haha) and its easier to stick to. :-)
  • The trick for me was finding something I liked to do. We belong to a gym so on really hot days, I swim laps.

    I googled a running for dummies type site (fitbie) because I'm really not a fan of running but my husband swears the pounds melt off. Anyway, the first week you should walk for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week, if you can. Then once you can do that comfortably, you walk 4 minutes and jog (slowly, to start) 1 minute until you are comfortable with that. But only for 30 minutes total. Then walk 3, jog 2, walk 2 jog 3 and so on. Progress til you are running 30 minutes. It may take a year but at least you will have started somewhere.

    Anything is better than nothing, so start slow so you dont hurt yourself or get discouraged.
    Best Health wishes!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Start slow and build up to greater intensity exercise. Walking as much as you can is a good start, but look for other opportunities, the more fun the better. Let me use myself as an example. I started this back in April. For the first month, my main form of exercise was playing tennis on the Wii. I began to incorporate short walks with the family into that routine during the first month. I needed that first month to get to the point that I wasn't scared to get on my bike and most of another month to get up the nerve to move from walking to running. It has been about 3 1/2 months now and I'm 3 weeks away from taking on my first 5K with a goal of finishing it in under 32 minutes. I was no where near this point in April and if I had tried to take on something so ambitious I would have given up.

    The key in the end is persistence. Start with what you can do however much it is. The more you do it (even if it's just walking 15 to 20 min. a day), the easier it will become and as the weight starts to come off (and as your diet improves) you'll find you are able (and want) to do more. Exercise should feel good in the end. No lies here -- it is NOT fun for the first 3-4 weeks. But if you keep at it will become a pleasant (even welcome) part of your life's routine. Good luck. Feel free to send a friend request my way if you want support.
  • luckyme65
    luckyme65 Posts: 16 Member
    I just purchased The Firm Express DVD series....they are 20 min each (I can do anything for 20 min!) and offer a variety of workouts, so I won't get bored. I just started back today myself, after a summer of chaos in my schedule, I'm in need of some structure and want to get myself back! It was 8 pm tonight and I was exhausted, but I said I can't skip my first day... I'VE GOT TO DO THIS....so I did the 20 minutes and I can honestly say, I feel much better! All this stuff we do to beat ourselves up is so non productive....just get up every morning and say, I can do 20 min! Start there and who knows where you'll end up! GOOD LUCK!:smile:

    (I'm not pushing the Firm videos, just find something that works for YOU!)
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    ROLLERBLADING :) bring your ipod, headphones, tons of water, go to the park, rollerblade, listen to some tunes, just enjoy!
    or ride a bike. or a walk. etc anything.

    I normally run, rollerblade or walk at parks, because I can look at the ducks, the pond, my surroundings and feel like I'm not working out I'm just out having fun :)
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Short, intense, quality work outs are better than long, ardous ones. You have more motivation to do it (i.e, it's not about.... dammit I gotta walk for 90 minutes...) no one wants to do that!

    Also, maybe try going to classes. That helped me. They are fun, you get to meet people :)

    Good luck!
  • ^^^^ all of those are excellent suggestions... i just wanted to throw in this... make sure you drink plenty of water!! you never know if you are retaining water and if you drink plenty of water it will help flush your system out. =)
  • I agree with everyone else when they say to start out slow with something easy, but don't forget to push yourself too. If you don't try to get more enduarnce you will just stay in the "easy" pace and not see much progress. Listen to your body. It'll tell you when it's ready for more, but the most important thing it to just start and keep going. When I first started, I did the treadmill on the slowest speed for 5 minute a day, I did that for a week and then the next week did the next speed for 10 minute and so on, until i could finally do the highest speed for an hour, now I'm working on add in inclines. This week I'm working on the level one incline and next week i'll move it to level 2 and pretty soon i'll be able to do the highest speed for an our and a level 10 incline. good luck!
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    Exercise should be fun. If it's not then you need to find something you enjoy. I would start out with walking. Make sure you have a pair of walking shoes and not running. This makes a big difference for your feet. Take some music or a friend and start from there. Go in the morning or evening when it's not baking outside or else it won't be fun. I love walking around our park. Look around at the people and notice them enjoying themselves. This helps. Walk faster when you feel you can and build yourself up from there to longer periods. When you feel like trying something new don't push yourself until you can't stand it. You want to like your workout and make it fun. I do Turbo Jam and love it. The instructor needs to be fun for you to have fun.
    Good luck and if you need any help or want some advise send me a message.
    I'm still working on my fitness lvl but I've learned so much. Just don't give up. Makena
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Exercise doesn't have to be a chore and it shouldn't! I started with just brisk walking and then jogging. I also found that I loved to do boxing so I did that. If you actually like doing something then you will continue. I go for walks all the time because I love walking by the beach.

    Try and go a little bit further each time. Once you can make the whole distance at a good pace, start jogging. See how long you can jog for until you need your first walking rest. Then next time, try and go a little bit further. All about progressively increasing your fitness :smile:
  • There are several walking DVD's out there. I started with those. They were actually fun and I could do them in my living room, so I couldn't use the weather as an excuse. The important thing is just get up and move and if you can find a way to have fun while doing it then that's even better!
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I haven't seen any Zumba suggestions. It's fun. You can buy dvds or join a class. You can also check out zumba routines on youtube and make a playlist for free. Just hit play and do what they do. It takes 4 to 5 classes to get comfortable with what you're doing...so, don't give up. And remember: Dancing should be fun.
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