Diabetes: tracking carbs per meal?

My mom is an insulin-dependent diabetic. She has been asking me if there is an easy way to determine how many carbs she eats in one sitting so she can adjust her insulin. Is there an easy way to see that info with a premium membership? Any advice would help.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    The web version has subtotals for each meal
  • candjmunoz
    candjmunoz Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks. I'll have to see if that works for her.
  • candjmunoz
    candjmunoz Posts: 30 Member
    I found a blog post about this! From the app, if you turn your phone sideways, the nutrition data shows up, totalled per meal! So handy!
  • Lisa8823168
    Lisa8823168 Posts: 139 Member
    "I found a blog post about this! From the app, if you turn your phone sideways, the nutrition data shows up, totaled per meal! So handy! "

    So happy you posted that! Just tried it...I had no idea...my husband needs the same thing on his phone. You rock!.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Make a custom column for fiber and put it next to the carbs column, under settings. Then you can easily subtract the fiber to get the net carbs. The carb count on MFP does not have the fiber already subtracted.

    One thing to bear in mind is that some people have a delayed glucose rise in response to fat and protein, and some people who still produce insulin have an insulin rise in response to protein. So keeping an eye on the other macros as well as just carbs can be a good idea.