71 lbs gone with before and after pics

I figured it was time to post my success so far, sorry its kind of lengthy, but thank you for reading.

A little about me is that I am a mother of 5. I started to gain weight after my 1st daughter was born when I fell into post partum (1995-1996). After that I got pregnant with my second in 1998 and was sick the entire 9 months up to the day I had her. I was 30 lbs lighter when I had her then at the start of the pregnancy. After having her, I gained 40 lbs in less than 2 months. Doctors baffled with all tests normal, so they sent me to a dietician. Needless to say being as sick as I was while pregnant had basically put my body into starvation mode. So when I was able to eat again, it started storing everything as fat. In 2000, I got pregnant again (this time twins). Then a month and 1/2 aftering having the twins I went in to have my tubes tied and I was pregnant again (yes I have three children that are the same age for a month and a week at the end of the year). With the twins and the last one, I again lost lots of weight due to sickness for the entire nine months and then gained all and more back after all the pregnancies were over because of that dang starvation mode thing.

For years, I was in denial about being able to do anything about it. I just went on with my busy life and put everyone else's needs in front of my own until now. I found this site and it has provided the exact guidance I've needed to help me get myself under control and to feel so much better and realize that I do have the power to change what happened. My goal is to lose 184 lbs. Right now I have lost 71.2 since February, so I still have 112.8 left to go.

I absolutely love this site!!!

This is the first time I'm posting pics so hopefully this works.




  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    Wow!! Congratulation and let me say first off you can tell a big difference. You are looking awsome.
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Amazing!!!! Fantastic Job!!!! Congratulations on your success so far!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    Congratulations -- 71 pounds is a lot!!!
  • tcpowell25
    tcpowell25 Posts: 292
  • Amazing!
  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    Fantastic job! you look great!
  • You look great girlfriend!
  • BecLee
    BecLee Posts: 31 Member
    Congratulations!!! You're totally right 1 year has made a massive difference. Here's hoping 1 year does the same for me.
  • Congrats on all your hard work! You look fantastic!
    Hope to lose as well as you have, real inspiring, keep it up!
  • rotorgrl
    rotorgrl Posts: 11 Member
    :noway: 71 pounds in a year, the healthy way? WAY TO GO, YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!
  • naeswirl
    naeswirl Posts: 56
    Congrats on your success! You look great!
  • Thanks all for the kind words and encouragement.

    71 lbs does seem like a lot to lose in a short amount of time, but with me being a very big girl just making a few changes has made a world of difference for me.

    I still pretty much eat the stuff that I like. I decided when I started this that I need to eat the way I plan to eat for the rest of my life. That means, I'm still going to eat pizza, pasta, hot dogs, etc. I've just learned portion control for these types of meals and not to eat them all the time. I've also worked to find lower calorie items that were fillers for me to have as sides to meals or just an afternoon snack (such as broccoli, yummy and extremely filling).

    The big change for me was removing pop from my diet all together. I truly believe that is what kick started my weight loss.

    I also started walking. I don't walk everyday, but when I do it is at least a mile sometimes more. I try to do it 3 times a week. I want to exercise the way I plan to the rest of my life. I am not a huge excercise person never have been (even when I was thin), but I enjoy walking. So that is the excercise I decided to stick with. Sometimes I'll throw swimming in there too (big calorie burner there).

    I have made other little changes, like baked chips instead of regular, fat free sour cream instead of regular, making my own tartar sauce, things like that.

    Maybe some of the things I did will also work for you. Good luck to all of you!
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