The struggle is real.

I just had a baby 3 month ago, trying to get back to prepregnancy weight of 120. But I can’t seem to stay on track with calories! I’m still in the faze that I want to eat everything!! The baby is on formula now (long story) so I don’t need extra calories for that. It’s not like I’m “hungry” but more of a craving or want of food.... how do I help myself with that!?


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    How tall are you and what do you currently weigh? What is your daily calorie allowance?

    Are you being overly restrictive with what type of foods you are eating or are you eating a well balanced diet with good fats, proteins, fruit and veg along with other high fibre foods and dairy ?

  • ajbeautyincolor
    ajbeautyincolor Posts: 3 Member
    5’5” and currently weigh 138.8 I try and keep my calories at 1200. I was on 1200 before pregnancy and still felt full all the time. My diet isn’t super bad I eat a lot of chicken and veggies, but I also eat a lot of carbs. I think that’s where I go wrong. Addicted to sugar and bread....
  • xoxohopeann
    xoxohopeann Posts: 12 Member
    That’s still a healthy weight for your height, but 1200 calories is usually considered the bare minimum before your body goes into starvation mode. If you’re constantly feeling hungry, make sure to always be drinking water/tea and also make sure you’re keeping busy. If you’re always bored near the kitchen you’ll want to eat. Try cleaning the house, reading a book or going for a walk. Good luck :)
  • wolflady1972
    wolflady1972 Posts: 21 Member

    <3 hi back on the wagon again.... don't have any support my friend is an enabler , constantly trying to out do .everything is competition. She hides her key to treadmill. She's so spiteful . I need friends to keep strong and focused..... HELP ;)
  • ajbeautyincolor
    ajbeautyincolor Posts: 3 Member
    We can motivate each other! Sorry about your friend, my sister is my twin. So yea I know how the competitive thing feels.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You should only be aiming to lose 0.5lb per week given your stats.
  • CarlsbergLewis
    CarlsbergLewis Posts: 186 Member
    No such thing as starvation mode so ignore that.
    You were on stupidly low calories so your metabolism is probably *kitten*.
    Reverse diet for a while, slowly adding calories until you hit around 1600-1700 a day but your weight is still the same as now, so only Slightly increase calories week by week.. And then if you're maintaining at 1700ish it will make it alot easier for you to start losing weight again.
  • CarlsbergLewis
    CarlsbergLewis Posts: 186 Member
  • SouthernMamaUnderConsruction
    Hey AJ! First of all you're super pretty. Trust me when I had my son I was no where near as fit and pretty as you appear to be. 2nd when I originally started on my diet I lost weight by cutting my carbs. I basically cut my two favorite foods which is bread and potatoes.. it's a really hard thing to do.. However, it's just a suggestion. Also, I've been told when you're only needing to lose the last 10-20 lbs your body attempts to hang on to it for dear life. It may just take time but I have no doubt - you will succeed.