

I'm starting on my weight loss journey because I have enzymes showing on my liver and wasn't aware that none alcholic fatty liver disease is something that 80% of obese people are going to suffer with and I am technically morbidly obese. I have 38 kilos to loose and a lifetime of using food as a coping strategy to overcome. I lost an enormous amount of weight in 2007 but put it all back on an have spent the last 10 years looking back. I'd like to loose weight so that my knees and hips don't hurt and so that I don't feel ashamed all the time. I've gone back to my previous weight loss plan (lighterlife UK) and they don't deliver to Australia where I have immigrated to but I am using some of the tools that I got at that time like a thoughts diary.

I've put on over 12 kilos in the last 12 months and I think it is a combination of two major factors, the job I am in is boring and I am not fully occupied which I have to own because I am very autonomous and the relationship with my husband being on rocky ground.

I think that I also miss my sisters a lot - they are still in the UK. I don't think I really understood what it would be like to immigrate. I'd been on holiday to Australia many times in the last 10 years and really liked the people, the weather and what I perceived of the lifestyle, but I had rose tinted glasses on. The reality is quite different and it is difficult to make friends, being overweight and lazy definitely is not in line with Australian culture as most people are very fit and really seem to enjoy exercise. People also have an established group of friends. It doesn't help that I don't have any children and people seem to look at me as if I'm a bit odd when I tell them I don't have children.

Anyway, today I am going to try again. Never stop trying they say!


  • theabsentmindednurse
    Hello Sonia, :)
    I am an Aussie girl.
    Well 51. It can't be easy settling into a new country and lifestyle.
    This will be a long journey for you, but one you can achieve with time, patience and determination.
    I am happy to support you along the way. B)
  • mrsclark505050
    mrsclark505050 Posts: 2 Member
    [Hello Sonia, my name is Veronda. We can encourage each other. I am trying to lose weight too.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Oh yes lots of people are not aware of NALD. You are doing the right thing and I wish you good luck