How Women Get Fat? And Then Lose It.



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    It would not surprise me if hormones or other drugs could hinder or enhance weight loss.

    But my understanding is that where your body chooses to store fat is genetically determined. The first place you pack it on will be the last place you take it off.
  • aldiaz381
    Each time you gain weight and try to lose it, it is harder. You mess with your body's chemicals and the weight it thinks it needs to maintain. Thats why yo-yo dieting is so bad for you, it will keep being harder each time you try to get it off.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Really, my question is two-fold:

    1. Is the that fat is distributed on women's body (breasts, hips, thighs) related primarily to horomones?
    Nope. That would be genetic predisposition. More than likely, if you look at your mom's physique, you will also look that way at that age.
    2. If it is, can taking Birth Control Pills hinder weight loss since you're ingesting horomones?

    I see lots of questions about weight gain and The Pill, and while I did gain weight once starting The Pill, I attribute it primarily to my change in lifestyle after getting into a committed relationship. I'm just wondering if the two are connected as far as weight LOSS goes.
    The pill does neither cause weight loss or gain.

    A) Youre a GUY B) Youre not an OBGYN or physician from what I can see.

    Anywho yes birthcontrol pills can effect both gain and loss, each has it listed on side effects but it really depends on what your body does with that type of hormone (there are 3 major types used in current pills/shots/patches/IUDs)

    Geneticts plays a HUGE roll in where you carry your weight, but not necessarily your mother. I to have a very different physique then my mother, I take after my dad's side primarily but honestly you have to go back almost 4 generations to find my figure! the only way to control your "shape" to an extent is muscle but otherwise you need to embrace your shape and dress accordingly
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I didn't read many of the responses on here, but taking bc never got in the way of me losing weight. I lost the first 30 lbs of my weight while on it, by eating healthy and exercising. I only stopped taking it because of a blood condition I found out I had. Who knows if it would have hindered my weight loss in any way, but it didn't seem to in the beginning.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    though if you want another vote for the copper IUD being on hormonal contraceptive increases your chances of kidney infections (rare but go figure! another rare side effect I get!) Now where was that # for a Dr before my ins runs out......
  • cmwaddell
    I have recently started training with an amazing new Personal trainer.
    He told me that fat will store in different places for different reasons (hormones, genetics, overeating)
    Because i hold alot of around my hips and lower stomach he recommended that i get off the pill if i really want to see results.
    He also said if i stay on the pill i wont be able to see the results that i want no matter how much i train and diet because when your body is tricked into thinking its pregnant it will try and hold on to any fat it can get too prepare itself for a baby.
    He mentioned that coming off the pill you can initially gain around 2-4kgs depending on your body but it will come off in a month after your body has been through its menstrual cycle and your hormones are balanced again.
    It made sense to me... :)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I have recently started training with an amazing new Personal trainer.
    He told me that fat will store in different places for different reasons (hormones, genetics, overeating)
    Because i hold alot of around my hips and lower stomach he recommended that i get off the pill if i really want to see results.
    He also said if i stay on the pill i wont be able to see the results that i want no matter how much i train and diet because when your body is tricked into thinking its pregnant it will try and hold on to any fat it can get too prepare itself for a baby.
    He mentioned that coming off the pill you can initially gain around 2-4kgs depending on your body but it will come off in a month after your body has been through its menstrual cycle and your hormones are balanced again.
    It made sense to me... :)

    Interesting but that theory wouldn't account for the initial weight gain coming off the pill. I never gained any weight on the pill nor are my hips or lower stomach the problem, I am wide waisted but flat fronted so I look for overall lb/inch drop. Also the chance of an accident and then gaining 50+ lbs and a child you may not be ready for or want isn't worth the risk for me.