New mom & new weight loss goal - FRIENDS WANTED!

Hi there!

I'm a new mom currently 8 weeks PP. Last year I lost 22 lbs. I was 8 lbs away from my goal of 125 before getting pregnant. Unfortunately I gained about 60 lbs during pregnancy. I've lost 34 lbs so far. My goal weight is 120 I'm 5'3. So I'm halfway there. I'm very determined to lose this weight so any one who would like to add me as a friend and hopefully we can help motivate and keep each other on track!



  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    Add me. You can do it! You are half way there!!
    Only 8 weeks after birth? Congratulations!!
  • neonbon
    neonbon Posts: 14 Member
    Add me! My second is 18 months. I have lost 10lbs and I have 30lbs of starving, hormonal, sleep deprived, baby weight to go. I'm Keto and Piyo committed!
  • 21lauren21
    21lauren21 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have a 17month old who is yet to sleep through the night but its time to get serious and loose this baby weight...about 20lbs to go for me