Looking to lose close to 200lbs - anyone want to join me?

My name is Cindy and I am 33 years old.
I have a lot of weight to lose...so I figured I would reach out and see if anyone wants to join me.
If you are looking to motivate or be motivated, send me a request and lets go on this journey together!
Hope to talk to you soon!


  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Enter your food diary daily and keep tracking your calories, try to do small exercises. Keep active yourself. All the best!! Feel free to add me

    For a Starter check this link http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10300331/most-helpful-posts-getting-started-must-reads#latest
  • Stac1014
    Stac1014 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Cindy! I am also looking to lose about that amount. I am 45. I have been a member on here for a long time but I have never really used it. This is my first time to try out the social aspect of the site. I am really in need of accountability. I would love to be friends and help motivate each other!
  • mizzw51
    mizzw51 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all. My name is Mia, and I need to lose at least 140 pounds. I have never stuck with tracking food, nor have I ever really transformed to a person that really has a healthy outlook on eating and my relationship to and with food. I lost 102 pounds 10 years ago, only to put it back on and then some. I am in a group Losing Weight God's Way led by Cathy Morenzie, and I love it. She recommended that we use My Fitness Pal to track our food intake...so, here I am. I would love to take this challenge together!!
  • Kennyamaha
    Kennyamaha Posts: 4 Member
    I need to lose about 125.