Getting fit, my introduction

Hello I’m Kathy!! Recovering from an illness that got me to 300lbs!! Now I’m 295lbs!! The goal is to look good in a two piece bathing suit, on my 60th birthday, at my Maui party, next year in December!!! Wish me luck!!


  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Totally doable Kathy! Just keep your vision as your motivation. When you want to give up, think about how you got to 300lbs and if you want to be 300lbs again.

    Take progress pictures and measurements along the way because the scale doesn't always tell the entire weight loss story

    Invest in a food scale and be sure to be honest and consistent when you are tracking your food.

    Weight loss is mostly what you put in your mouth....and what you dont :-) Calories in ........Calories out