Motivation to exercise

Im seriously losing motivation to go do my 60 minutes of exercise. I havent done it for a week. Someone Give me some motivation :(


  • Crystalchaos72
    Maybe it is a "too much too soon" thing. Try doing 30 minutes at a time. What do you do? Cardio? Weights?
  • la_traviesa36013
    Well I use the airclimber. Bought it off an infomercial. Love the calorie burn and its a good workout. I did it for like a week and a half straight for 60-75 minutes a day, but now its just like UGHH I just dont wanna. And I always making excuses. Oh im tired, oh I need to go to the store, No I CANT exercise because It will wake up my son. LOL the list goes on and on. Its really discouraging me. I was 275 when I started this a few months ago. Now im 229. I did most of the weight loss with no exercise- because I have a very demanding son (hes 5 months old now) and I had a csection. Sorry for the rant lol,
  • leilaniessence
    One of my favorites:

    Good motivation :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    make yourself do 20mins a day for a start(anything is better than nothing)right....
    some days i really don't wanna do it but if you don't make yourself you just won't loose weight that's the long and short of it...(or should i say the thin and the fat of it) lol
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    Just do it like it's your last exercise EVER!
    Anyways, exercising tones your body. You dun just want to be skinny with saggy skin, you want to be toned.
    How about wanting a low pulse rater, cuz thats just cool to tell someone
    "Yup, 50 pulse rate perminute!!"
  • Crystalchaos72
    Options first guess was right. It is ok, just try it for 10-30 minutes as long as you are doing something it helps. Wow you are doing great! Congrats on your weight loss :) and remember little bursts of activity throughout the day are better than nothing and it all adds up! Make an appt with yourself and write it down, and then do it.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Im seriously losing motivation to go do my 60 minutes of exercise. I havent done it for a week. Someone Give me some motivation :(

    You ahead and buy the new outfit/corset that's your next goal. Hang it up somewhere that is always going to be visible...see how that works...:smile:
  • Crystalchaos72
    Just do it like it's your last exercise EVER!
    Anyways, exercising tones your body. You dun just want to be skinny with saggy skin, you want to be toned.
    How about wanting a low pulse rater, cuz thats just cool to tell someone
    "Yup, 50 pulse rate perminute!!"

    Do you mean heart rate monitor?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't wait for motivation, if I did that I'd still be on the couch with a block of Dairy Milk by my side...... :smile:

    I plan my exercise time (first thing in the morning for me) and make sure that as soon as I get up I get into my exercise clothes and shoes and then I'm ready to go as soon as my husband has left for work. This way I'm all ready to go and don't have any reason to change my mind. Schedule it into your day, make sure you are dressed and ready, put on some cool music/movie etc and just DO IT!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    My motivation is simple - I cycle commute to work, so if I want paying....
  • dpycroft
    dpycroft Posts: 8 Member
    Very well done on the weight loss.
    I have this problem too where I really don't want to go and exercise. I make the excuses to myself.. I'm too tired... (I have a 2 year old and a 3 month old) I need to do this, that and the other. But, it's only an hour! I go and feel soooo good afterwards. I feel good that I've done something for ME and my body feels better and I find that I actually secretly enjoyed it too!
    You can do it!!!