Is muscle definition on women sexy?



  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Why is it that whenever someone says that another person has told them that defined muscles on woman are not sexy, people automatically assume that that person is jealous?! :laugh: Could it not be that she was merely expressing an opinion? Is everyone to be judged negatively because they don't happen to agree with someone? Or is it that we feel we have to give platitudes to others to make them feel good? :ohwell:

    I have a girlfriend who is a champion bodybuilder, and while she is one of the loveliest, fittest and healthiest people I know, I don't think she looks at all sexy, especially when she's pumped! Before she became a bodybuilder, and was 'just' an athletic woman who swam the English channel on a regular basis(!), I thought she had a much sexier bod! However, just because I don't find her body aesthetically pleasing now, it in no way means I am jealous of her, nor am I dissatisfied with my own body!

    FTR, I *do* think a toned and defined body can be sexy, on men *and* women. But I also think that women like Immodesty Blaize have THE most awesome and sexy figures! When it comes down to it however, for me, if the personality isn't there, it really doesn't matter how fit-looking someone is, they're not going to make my personal sexy grade! :laugh:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes! I think they are. My husband things they are.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    yeah, totally sexy to be fit and strong and have nice muscles, not like body builder / steriods type muscles, but yeah, it's hot
  • HELL no, its hot to be defined (like my good self....) lol
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Why is it that whenever someone says that another person has told them that defined muscles on woman are not sexy, people automatically assume that that person is jealous?! :laugh: Could it not be that she was merely expressing an opinion? Is everyone to be judged negatively because they don't happen to agree with someone? Or is it that we feel we have to give platitudes to others to make them feel good? :ohwell:

    It's one thing to have an opinion. But would you *tell* your friend that she wasn't sexy, just out of the blue without her asking you? Probably not. It's when you voice a negative opinion to someone about the way they look that you start to look like a green-eyed monster. Not *you* you. General "you."
  • they're not going to make my personal sexy grade! :laugh:

    Do I make the grade Gok? You sex kitten you MWAH!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    muscle definition is very sexy on women!! I'd have to say your friend is a little jealous of your muscles :wink:

    Completely agree !
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    It's one thing to have an opinion. But would you *tell* your friend that she wasn't sexy, just out of the blue without her asking you? Probably not. It's when you voice a negative opinion to someone about the way they look that you start to look like a green-eyed monster. Not *you* you. General "you."

    I absolutely agree with you; it would indeed then sound as though she was jealous/felt bad about herself but the OP didn't say the other person said *she* wasn't sexy, she said that "muscles on *women* were not sexy"!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    they're not going to make my personal sexy grade! :laugh:

    Do I make the grade Gok? You sex kitten you MWAH!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even with fried eggs, you make the grade, you little minx! :tongue:
  • 2hot2
    2hot2 Posts: 11 Member
    Nope, not for me. Madonna-esqe scaffolders arms.......yak. Cardio girls for me.......
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It's one thing to have an opinion. But would you *tell* your friend that she wasn't sexy, just out of the blue without her asking you? Probably not. It's when you voice a negative opinion to someone about the way they look that you start to look like a green-eyed monster. Not *you* you. General "you."

    I absolutely agree with you; it would indeed then sound as though she was jealous/felt bad about herself but the OP didn't say the other person said *she* wasn't sexy, she said that "muscles on *women* were not sexy"!

    To her female friend with muscles. ;)
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    i like my curves, also the muscle i am creating so i'll take both :)
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Muscle is sexy!! Health is sexy!! Looking after you body is sexy!!! Well thats just my opinion! I get told its gross all the time by my friends (girls) But the guys seem to love it...maybe girls show just a little jealously??? Easier to say they dont like, than to put i the hard work to look like it!!

    I think that actually identifies the real issue...guys don't have a problem, girls just "say" they don't like it...
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I'm kinda thinking that your friend was trying to cut you down a little bit to make herself feel better, and that's not what friends do. But that's just my opinion.

    I think muscles are sexy. I think curves are sexy....

    +1 +1

    This "debate" drives me insane. Men don't sit around and cut each other up like this. Can you imagine?

    "He dude, do you think this round beer belly is too girly?"
    "I don't know man, I think your *kitten* is lookin' sort round of like Beyonce's. I prefer more of a Seth Rogen look"

    +1 definitely! This seems to be hitting the issue dead on!
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    Absofrickinglutely!!! A strong women is always sexy!
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    Nope, not for me. Madonna-esqe scaffolders arms.......yak. Cardio girls for me.......

    I actually agree. I'm not saying muscle definition is unattractive, but I don't want it. But to each their own. If they are happy with their body, that's all that matters :)
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    LOL, talking about guys finding that sexy. My husband thinks, Madonna and Sarah Jessica Parker are gross. And they are very defined. I personally like Jilian Michaels muscles the best.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I think your friend might be a little jealous. Muscle definition and being toned is totally sexy on women. Fit and healthy!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think it is... esp because it makes my legs and arms jiggle less!

    I also like when doing my dumbbell routine in my gyms studio, and there are girls stretching behind me, staring at me because I'm a girl who's lifting weights... makes me feel pretty good about myself.
  • I think that someone who loves you will want you to be healthy and strong! = muscles! Healthy *IS* sexy!