Setting up goals (calorie intake)

Do you guys set your goals to lose 2 lbs a week? That is what mine is set for, but that only gives me 1200 calories (I am notable to do much working out due to an injury and surgery). I end up binging in the afternoons and I wonder if it is because I am not eating enough in the morning/lunch.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    No. Unless you have 75+ pounds to lose, 2 lbs a week is too aggressive.
    shamama3 wrote: »
    Do you guys set your goals to lose 2 lbs a week? That is what mine is set for, but that only gives me 1200 calories (I am notable to do much working out due to an injury and surgery). I end up binging in the afternoons and I wonder if it is because I am not eating enough in the morning/lunch.

    I think you're right.

    Change your goal to 1 lb per week and see what it gives you.
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Yes, I set my goals to lose 2 lbs too, but if you think that 1,200 calories a day are detrimental for your progress maybe you should set up your goals to .5 lbs. More calories may give you more control over your food. If you set your calories to only 1,200 and end up binging then your goal is senseless. If you eat more calories and stop binging you will succeed in the long run.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    No. I would not suggest 2 lbs to the vast majority of women. Certainly not to any woman who is just overweight and not even to any who are on the low side of obese (which is just 30 lbs over normal weight for many of us.) In general I think that 2 lbs per week isn't appropriate for any woman who is less than 100 lbs overweight.

    What are your height and weight?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Do you have a very large amount to lose? Like 75-100 lbs or more? Then 2 lbs a week is probably fine. If you have less to lose then 2lbs a week isn't very realistic or appropriate. You've already found being that restrictive doesn't work for you. So you can continue to binge or you can set your calories to something more sustainable for you.
  • shamama3
    shamama3 Posts: 5 Member
    No I have 20 lbs to lose.
    I think I will increase to 1 lb a week and try that. Thanks everyone!