Any mom's out there trying to get back in shape?



  • lillykcstee
    lillykcstee Posts: 6 Member
    Fell free to add me. I'm looking for motivation my son is 5, my baby weight is gone but Id still like to drop 20 lbs.
  • Karebear3979
    Karebear3979 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a mom of two (4 yr old and 2 yr old). I gained about 40 lb. per pregnancy. It was so easy to lose the weight after my first baby, but harder after my second. I had deep diastasis recti (stomach muscle separation) and I needed a special set of exercises to help me close the gap. I found the MuTu System and it worked to close the gap AND take off the extra weight! I recommend it to any mom who needs something simple and effective to help get her body back.
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 girls, 3 yrs and 13 months, still breastfeeding the littlest. I still weigh about what I did when I came home from the hospital with her. I had lost 40lbs before I got pregnant with the first, and then gained over 50. I got back down to within 5lbs of pre-pregnancy weight consistently, but was working on losing weight when I got pregnant again. I am about 10-15lbs from baby #2 starting weight. I would love to lose about 20ish pounds beyond that.
    I have started trying to lose weight a couple of times over the last year but have had trouble staying motivated.
  • msfitjill
    msfitjill Posts: 1 Member
    I have two boys, my youngest is 4. I clearly remember the struggle of trying to lose weight after each pregnancy. With my first I gained 55 lbs and did not breastfeed, I lost the weight slowly except for 10 lbs then gained 40 with my second. After my second I wanted to breastfeed and had so many questions on how to do this plus lose the weight.

    I was stuck with about 20lbs to lose and got some advice to bump UP my calories. I thought I was eating enough at the time. If I remember it was around 1600-1700/day plus breastfeeding and working out a bit here and there. I was hesitant to increase my calories but I did so, slowly and actually got up to eating 2500-2600/day and was losing weight. It blew my mind! I was terrified to increase my calories but once I did I felt like the weight melted off. And I was working out maybe a couple days at the gym, some walking, nothing crazy. Was stuck at 145~ and got down to 125...then 120 (competed in a fitness competition at year later).

    The key was to keep increasing calories a tiny bit each week and tracking to see what happened. I was so scared to jump too high all at once but honestly no weight was lost until I broke 2000 calories...

    Keep positive ladies and don't be afraid to eat! I'm happy to answer any questions to help you get past your sticking point if you have any q's just reply!
  • HobbitSithLord
    HobbitSithLord Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 (8, 4, 1) - I lost 35 pounds between 2 and 3 but didn't do so well after that. I changed my diet too much and it didn't stick long term - now I'm at it again but just working on portion control and substitutions and it's going much better. I'm 5'3 so what I eat isn't the best to follow for people who might be taller, since I do fine on 1200 (1300 if I've had an active day), but I'm open to mom friends! Losing weight with little ones is a challenge.

    I find my best tool has been to plan ahead using the diary for the next day, so I know what I have available for snacks and dinner. And so I can make room now and then for much-wanted treats. :D
  • saraghali
    saraghali Posts: 63 Member
    I am a mom to 6 years old twins and an 11 months old baby. I am still nursing as well. I don't gain any weight while pregnant whoever I do lose. But believe it or not I gain weight while breastfeeding. I am down from 107kg as my highest to 94kg. I started IF and I think it's working. I really wish to do keto but I love bread and honestly I don't know from where to start. I am 5'11 and when I gave birth I was 84kg .
  • HotMama115
    HotMama115 Posts: 25 Member
    I’m breastfeeding my 2 month old and my now 2 year old(today’s her birthday) not thrilled about still nursing the toddler. Anyhow, my post may be controversial but everyone is different. With my first pregnancy I gained 80!!!!!! But I lost it all in a little over a year. This pregnancy I gained 70-i worked hard in not repeating myself but darn that third tri!!!!! So now 2 kids just under 2 and so I cut my calories a lot.. to 1200. I don’t make that calorie goal but it’s what I shoot for. I don’t feel hungry or I would eat more because my kids are number one. But so far I have lost 33 lbs. All this to say, I’m losing the weight, restricted my calories (but like I said if I’m hungry, I will eat more) breastfeeding 2 girls (baby in the 74th percentile) and I just walk or chase after my toddler and go between the two all day long. I’m shooting for my goal weight when I met my husband so I have a journey of 50.5 left to lose! Also, for me when I exercise (mainly run) I wasn’t consistently losing weight so I’ve just focused on my eating.
  • 21lauren21
    21lauren21 Posts: 11 Member
    I seriously need to! My son is 17 months old and I am still 14lbs over pre pregnancy. The past 17 months have been tough with my son yet to sleep more than a few hours at a time. He just had an operation last week to drain fluid and pus from his ears, put in grommets and take his adenoids out so we have hope that it helps. Also teaching (also in a leadership role) nearly full time and I am exhausted. Time to focus on me now and stop trying to be the super mum who does it all