30 lbs in 3 months?

Hey guys! I'm going on vacation in mid-January and I'd like to loose another 30-35 pounds or so before then-does that seem realistic? I'm female, 20 years old, 5 ft 7 and about 240 lbs. I've been keeping track of my calories intake and exercising everyday. I just want to know if this is a plausible goal. Thanks!


  • Pepsab
    Pepsab Posts: 168 Member
    I would say its doable but hard. You would need to be 100% on track and focused the whole time. I started around the same weight and have lost 17lb in 3 months. I am tracking calories and i would say my eating is 80% good 20% treats. Not much exercise at all.

    If you were to exercise 4/5 times a week and low calories i dont see why you couldnt achieve it.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Mid January is about 10 weeks away. I'd say 30lbs is slightly unrealistic, and perhaps aiming for 20-25 would be more achievable. (I would personally go that little bit slower, to stop myself feeling overly restricted especially over the holidays...)
  • conf1dent
    conf1dent Posts: 1 Member
    It depends how intense your workouts are, and how strict you are about calorie counting. If you're just walking for 20 minutes a day and eyeballing your food measurements, it's going to be a lot harder to reach that goal.

    However, if you're using a food scale to accurately measure your calories, and doing moderate to intense workouts several days a week, it should definitely be mathematically possible for you to lose 30lbs between now and mid-January. I did a quick calculation on LoserTown and it said that eating 1500 calories a day and doing moderate exercise 3-5 days per week would put you at about 209lbs on January 19th. Or, you could eat 1200 calories a day and do light workouts 1-3 days per week and be about 209 on January 19th. It's up to you which route to take.

    Either way, I highly suggest getting a food scale if you don't already have one - they're like $10 from Amazon/Walmart. It's really hard to accurate track your calories accurately without one, and it'd be a good idea to buy it now at the beginning of your weight loss journey so you'll have it as a tool for months to come.

    And remember... even if you only lose like 10lbs between now and then, you'd still be healthier and probably feel more confident than you do right now. Try not to get fixated on a certain number, and focus on health instead! Good luck!! :smile:
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member
    Definitely doable if you’re strict. I’ve lost 26 pounds in about 75 days. Weight loss is slower now, but still steady. I am currently ~140-141 now. Good luck!
  • Stoney031201
    Stoney031201 Posts: 8 Member
    I did 67 lbs in 3 months in a weight loss contest at work 246 to 179, trained twice a day every day. Big cash prize. It can be done.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Without extreme measures that risk your health? Not overly likely. Set reasonable goals, do your best, and be happy with the progress. I'm not a fan of deadlines for these types of things, partly due to the likelihood that people will resort to extreme measures, partly because people feel like a failure if they don't make it, and partly because once that date has come and gone, people often return to their old habits causing a yoyo, rather than sustainable changes.

    Enjoy your vacation!
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    It can be done of course but would require meticulous logging, and probably a fair bit of exercise. If this is not something you are used to, it will be difficult.
    Is this weight loss something you plan on maintaining after the trip, or simply trying to lose some weight to look and feel better on the trip and no intention to maintain after?
    If its something you want to maintain I would advise lowering your goal and make changes you can fit into your life and are sustainable.
  • LizaJo65
    LizaJo65 Posts: 25 Member
    Holiday season in there ? Will power will need to be off the rickter scale. But thats me. You may well be able to do it. Just remember the less you weigh the less you need to eat. So the more you lose the less you can eat while your on your holiday